

What are the consumers of a tundra?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The polar bear and Arctic fox.

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Q: What are the consumers of a tundra?
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What are the comsumers in the tundra biome?

The primary consumers in the tundra are the herbivores.

What tertiary consumers of the tundra?

whales consume seals

Secondary consumers of the tundra?

arctic foxes, falcons

What type of consumers live in the tundra biomes?

Secondary, tertiary and fifth level consumers, or Apex consumers are the primary residents in the Tundra biome. This includes Arctic foxes, polar bears, caribou, and the snowy owl.

What are some consumers of the alpine tundra?

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What is tertiary consumers in the tundra?

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1 level consumers in the tundra?

Consumers such as Caribou, Musk Oxen, Arctic Hare, and Arctic Ground Squirrels.

What are the first order consumers in the alpine tundra?

Nick Steven Camp

What are 3 animals that are first level consumers in tundra?

A first level consumer is one that consumes producers (plants) directly. First level consumers in the tundra biome would include small herbivores such as lemmings and rabbits, and large grazers such as elk.

Where do tundra consumers get their energy from?

Simplistically, from their food. However, the base of the food chains, the producers of the tundra, are the plants such as arctic mosses, which photosynthesise like plants everywhere.

What is an animal that is a tertiary consumer in the tundra?

A secondary consumer is a consumer that eats primary consumers. In the tundra, primary consumers include animals such as musk oxen and caribou. The animals that hunt caribou include wolves, and occasionally polar bears.

What are the consumers in the arctic?

First is polarbear second is probaly a artic fox