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Q: What are the consumers that surround engulf and ingest their food?
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Are consumers that surround, engulf, and ingest their food.?

any type of single-celled protist

What function do pseudopodia have for an amoeba?

They use it to engulf or surround their food

How does the amoeba obtain food?

They surround the food and engulf it. If you push a cherry into jello, that would be somewhat like it.

How does endocytosis help an organissm like amoeba?

Endocytosis helps an organism like amoeba by allowing it to ingest food particles and other substances from the external environment. Amoebas use a process called phagocytosis to surround and engulf these particles into a membrane-bound vesicle called a food vacuole. The content of the food vacuole is then digested to provide nutrients and energy for the amoeba's survival and growth.

What are consumers that surrounds engulf and ingest their food?

A producer may mean an organism that produces its own energy. This means a plant, as they produce energy in the form of sugars from water, CO2 and UV light. A consumer that only eats plants would be a herbivore (an animal that only eats plants), or a fungi that only digests rotting plants.

What are the similarities and differences between producers consumers and decomposers?

Producers create food through photosynthesis, whereas decomposers breakdown dead or decaying matter. Decomposers do not make their own food, and so are consumers.

How does a sarcodine engulf food?

It surrounds the food with pseudopodia.

How do you ingest food?

Eat it

How do amobea get its food?

By the process of phagocytosis. They use pseudopodia to engulf

What distinguishes animal heterotrophy from fungi heterotrophy?

Animals ingest their food while fungi grow into it.

Do protists absorb or ingest food?

absorbs the food!

How does amoeba engulf solid food particles?

a amoeba engulfs it food by endocytosis