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Q: What are the contra indications to facial treatment and why?
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Contra actions are unwanted effects (or actions) that occur because of a treatment. So possible contra actions for a manicure would be allergic reaction to a product (swelling, rash, redness etc), Enamel chippping or peeling etc Contra indications are signs (or indications) that the treatment needs to be altered or should not be carried out. Hope this helps

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fungal infection for indian head massage that would prevent treatment

What are 10 contra-indications for a pedicure?

Anything that would stop you from continuing with the service, eg. A fungal infection or anything you could catch yourself.

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interacrainial haemorrhage

What are some contagious contra indications which can prevent you from getting a facial?

conjunctivitis, bacterial,viral or fungal infections,impetigo,herpes,warts,scabies,pediculosis,boils and carbuncles ,ersipelas,candidiasis

What is the importance of carrying out a nail and skin analysis?

It is important to carry out a detailed analysis of the nail and skin so you can pick up on any contra-indications or any health issues that are visible through the condition of the skin and nails. Nail and skin analysis enable you to make decisions on what treatment can be done and products can be used. Also, you know if the treatment needs to be modified or can’t be done at all due to any contra-indications.

What are the contra indications when peforming a facial treatment with people with coldsores?

Do not perform a facial on someone who has a cold sore as it is a very contagious condition. Cold sores are a viral infection of the skin (herpes simplex type 1) the lesions last usually 1 to 2 weeks and when they finally clear, the virus remains dormant. It can reappear during periods of stress, trauma, sun and wind exposure or after a cold...

How do you respond to contra actions during or after the treatment?

How to responde to contra-actions during or after the treatment

How do you respond to contra-actions during or after the treatment?

How to responde to contra-actions during or after the treatment

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Describe the contra- indications using diagrams and pictures?

a contraindication is an indication that something should not be used