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Not sure of all the controls. I'm still trying to figure them out for myself and was on the computer searching for them.

This is all that I know:

(On the left is the computer keys and the right is the corresponding N64 controls)

X= A (Jump)

C= B (Punch)

Z= Z

S= C (Not sure which one though)

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10y ago

I think the default setting is:

Z - target

X - select/roll

C - cancel/swing sword

S - shield

A - map

Enter - menu

Then the C items (e.g. bottles, sticks, etc.) really depend on the layout of your keyboard. On a large keyboard, the default keys will be Delete, Home, PageDown, and End.

If you're working with a small keyboard, with all of the keys squished together, I personally find this easiest:

Y - Up-C (Navi/Camera)

G - Left-C

H - Down-C

J - Right-C

However, you can personalise this on the Project 64 emulator by going to:

Options>Configure Controller>C-Buttons> and then clicking the little blank box, and pressing whichever key you want for that respective control.

Bit of a lengthy explanation, but hopefully you've got it! Any changes you made using the configuration method above will (probably) stay like that for the rest of the game, and any other PJ64 game you have. If not, you know what to do!

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