

What are the countries that enjoy curling?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Well.. First, Scotland of course, because it is Curling's origin,

then maybe the Dutch, because Dutch peasants enjoyed in the medieval times.

Also, Canada.

This sport is one of the sport in Olympic Games, and Canada has won most of its championships

Hope that this answer helped you!!

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10 each in the men's and women's competitions.

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What countries compete in the Olympic curling?

china japan new zealand France and London

Where does curling play?

Curling is played in at least 45 countries (you can find a list by researching the World Curling Federation on Wikipedia). However, it is most popular in Canada, the United States, and western Europe. In places where curling is popular, there are usually dedicated curling clubs that have ice only used for curling. Where it is less popular, curlers resort to sharing multi-purpose arena ice with hockey players and skaters. This presents a challenge, because curling ice must be prepared differently than hockey/skating ice.

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se Many countries - different sports were invented in different countries. If you want just one, try curling from Scotland.

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Le curling (masculine noun): J'aime le curling (I like curling) Du curling: j'ai fait du curling (I played curling)

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No. A curling iron does NOT have silver in it!!.. There are silver curling irons but there are no curling irons with silver in them!

What events are in curling?

In the Olympics, there is simply a men's competition and a women's competition. There are mixed (2 men and 2 women per team) competitions in certain countries, and mixed doubles (2-person teams with 1 man and 1 woman) recently became a world-championship event, but these formats are not yet part of the olympics

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Curling...Oh, how I hate Curling. :P

How do you say are you curling tonight?

If you mean 'curling (your hair)': Are you curling tonight = Ensortijas anoche? If you mean the game of curling (on ice), there is no Spanish equivalent, so you'd have to say: Juegas a 'curling' anoche = Are you playing at 'curling' tonight?

What are the main pieces of equipment in curling?

the main pieces you need for curling are a good pair of curling shoes, curling gloves, a slider for your shoe, and a broom, the rocks are provided by the curling arena.

Where is curling taking place?

In a curling rink