What is the industrial preparation of sucrose?
Sucrose is typically extracted from sugar cane or sugar beets through a process of crushing, diffusing, clarifying, evaporating, and crystallizing the raw juice. This involves extracting the sugar-containing liquid, clarifying it, evaporating the water to form a syrup, and then crystallizing the syrup to produce sucrose crystals.
Curling, as an Olympic ice sport, is the same word in English and in French.
Well, I'd say so.
Many players get SERIOUSLY injured, and if you watch the Winter Olympics for 2010, a man died from hitting a pole after falling off the 'sled' he rides on. You can get severely injured, cause even death. So, I suggest you better know what your getting into before even doing Luge. (Remember, its dangerous, but don't let that slow you down.)
In the Olympics, there is simply a men's competition and a women's competition. There are mixed (2 men and 2 women per team) competitions in certain countries, and mixed doubles (2-person teams with 1 man and 1 woman) recently became a world-championship event, but these formats are not yet part of the olympics
How is it determined what team has the hammer in curling?
The hammer switches between the teams based on which teams scores in each end. Whichever team does not score will have the hammer in the next end. Another way to put it is: the team that scores goes first the next end (it then works out that the other team has the last shot). If no one scores (a "blank end"), whichever team has the hammer keeps it. For the first end of the game, the hammer is either decided by a coin flip, or a closest draw to the button competition between the teams' skips before the game (this is how it's done in the Olympics).
It most likely began in Scotland & Netherlands in the 1600s. It became part of the Winter Olympic Games in the year 1998.
How many canadians participate in Curling?
In terms of the teams currently competing at the 2010 Games, this is the first appearance at the Olympics for Cheryl Bernard's women's team, and the second appearance for Kevin Martin's men's team.
Overall, Canadian teams have competed in each curling competition since the sport was officially introduced at the 1998 Games.
What mens curling teams have won olympic medals?
Men's curling debuted at the 1924 Winter Games and did not return until the 1998 Games. Medal winners are:
1924: Gold-Great Britain, Silver-Sweden, Bronze-France
1998: Gold-Switzerland, Silver-Canada, Bronze-Norway
2002: Gold-Norway, Silver-Canada, Bronze-Switzerland
2006: Gold-Canada, Silver-Finland, Bronze-United States
How does friction impact curling?
friction can affect ice skating when you are doing a drag you will slow down because of friction. also if you have blunt blades or if you use the wrong part of the blade when doing spirals you will slow down alot quicker than if you use the right part.
What do you need to know to play curling?
The basic object of curling is to place your stone closest to the center of the 12 foot circular target area (the House).
Each team has four players.
A throwers teammates may use brooms or brushes to direct the stone's path. Brushing the ice creates a thin film of water that allows the stone to move more easily.
There are ten ends (much like innings in baseball.)
In each end teams alternate shots until sixteen stones have been thrown (actually, stone slide, they are not literally thrown)
Players throw two of their team's stones then change position, with the best player typically throwing last
Teams get one point for each stone they place closer to the center than the opponents closest stone to the center. Only one team can score per end.
The team who throws the last stone in an end (the Hammer) has a tactical advantage. If Team A scores in an end Team B will have the Hammer in the next end.
Teams with the hammer try to get at least 2 points, teams without the hammer try to limit the other team to 1 point if they cannot score themselves.
If no stones are inside the House at the conclusion of the end no points are scored and the team with the hammer retains it in the next end
The general rules of the game are the same in most places, however some specific rules differ from country to country and according to level of play.
If you're new to the game or playing in a recreational league, the PDF will have all you need to know and more.
Basically, two teams of four people take turns trying to get their stones closer to the button (center circle of the bullseye) for ten innings (called ends). Knocking the opponent's stones out is part of the strategy. For a more extensive explanation of the official rules, see the attached link.
What are the dimensions of a curling stone?
Official curling stones have only a minimum height (4.5 inches) and depending on the handle type can be 10 inches tall or more. Older stones tend to be more varied in both stone thickness and handle dimensions. Stones produced for official competition are more uniform.
The goal is to score more points than your opponent. You score points by getting your rocks closer to the button (center circle) than their rocks, or more of your rocks in a scoring position that they get over the duration of play.
What is the country of origin wheel chair curling?
Curling originated in Scotland in the 1500's. However, modern curling is quite different from curling back then. They game took on its present form after being refined in Canada over the last century.
Is curling Canada's national sport?
it is where they take brooms on ice with a flat disk and have one guy throw it and The basic object of curling is to place your stone closest to the center of the 12 foot circular target area (the House).
Each team has four players.
A throwers teammates may use brooms or brushes to direct the stone's path. Brushing the ice creates a thin film of water that allows the stone to move more easily.
There are ten ends (much like innings in baseball.)
In each end teams alternate shots until sixteen stones have been thrown (actually, stone slide, they are not literally thrown)
Players throw two of their team's stones then change position, with the best player typically throwing last
Teams get one point for each stone they place closer to the center than the opponents closest stone to the center. Only one team can score per end.
The team who throws the last stone in an end (the Hammer) has a tactical advantage. If Team A scores in an end Team B will have the Hammer in the next end.
Teams with the hammer try to get at least 2 points, teams without the hammer try to limit the other team to 1 point if they cannot score themselves.
If no stones are inside the House at the conclusion of the end no points are scored and the team with the hammer retains it in the next end
Why did curling become a sport?
Strategy in curling is just as important as successfully making shots. By the nature of the game, there are tons of different scenarios you can get yourself into, and knowing the best thing to do in any scenario takes years of experience.