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Q: What are the crafts of ancient mali?
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How did mali ancient civilization organized?

ancient mali was organized because they had armies

When was the height of ancient Mali?

Ancient Mali reached its height around the begining of the 14th century.

What was ancient Mali able to control?

the mali was rulled by the govment in 1898

What government does the empire of Mali have?

Ancient Mali was ruled by powerful kings

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Who did ancient Mali trade with?

other people

What is ancient Mali's capital?

it is egypyt jk

Where was the ancient kingdom of Mali?

The ancient empire of Mali was formed in 9 modern day countries. These countries are: Mali Niger Mauritania Burkina Faso Guinea Cote D'Ivoire Sierra Leone Senegal and Liberia Hopes this helps! -Jack R

What did men in ancient Mali do if they weren't in the military?

the answer is wrong,the real answer is" The men in ancient mali did work such as , eg. scribe, builder, vizier, noble, farmer, etc.."

What types of art existed in ancient Mali?

The Ancient Mali are was very religion based and spiritual. The art they created was a big part of the Mali culture we know about today. They created instruments, sculptures, houses, and simple toys.

What are the major cities in ancient Mali?

timbuktu and niani