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Q: What are the crude oil reserves in Israel?
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This country has crude oil reserves?

Lots of countries have crude oil reserves. Russia, Saudi Arabia, the US, and Iran have the most crude oil reserves.

What percentage of the worlds oil reserves are controlled by OPEC countries?

The 12 OPEC contries control 79% of the worlds crude reserves and 44% of the worlds crude oil production.

Does Italy have oil resources?


This African country has considerable crude oil reserves?


How many crude oil reserves are there in Pakistan?

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Is crude oil found in NZ?

Yes, New Zealand has oil reserves and production.

How is crude oil brought to the earths surface?

It is pumped out of oil reserves within the crust of the earth

At the end of 2008 how many barrels of crude oil existed in reserves?

At the end of 2008, the US had about 714,000,000 barrelsof crude oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

What is venezuelas exports?

Venezuela is rich in crude oil reserves. Their exports include this oil, technology to use crude oil and farm products. Oil has been traditionally a prime export, however, the drop in crude prices has been a problem for Venezuela.

What is Iraqs economy based on?

The economy in Iraq before the fall of Saddam and after has been the sale of its crude oil from proven oil reserves. These reserves are quite large and keep its economy going.

Does crude oil only exist in the middle east?

No. While the Middle East is responsible for 30-40% of the world's crude oil reserves. Other reserves can be found in Venezuela, Canada, Russia, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, USA, and China, among others.

Is oil found in Iran Mexico and Venezuela?

Yes. Those three countries have some of the biggest reserves of crude oil in the world.