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In the case of one parent moving out of state without the child, the state in which the divorce or separation took place would take jurisdiction. If a child moves out-of-state with one parent without the other parent's consent (unless court ordered) then the original state where the separation took place still holds jurisdiction. If a child moves with the parent out-of-state with both parents' consent (or with a court's permission) then the jurisdiction is transferred to the state in which the child currently resides. If BOTH parents move out of the original state to different states from each other, then the jurisdiction transfers to the child's new state.

In the following examples, Tina is the mother, Joe is the dad, and Terry is the child. They lived in Florida when the divorce happened. Tina won full custody of Terry, but Joe gets visitation rights. There is a dispute. Where do we take it to court?

Scenario 1: Joe and Tina decided to both stay in Florida. Simple. Hold court in Florida.

Scenario 2: Tina left Florida and moved to Georgia because Joe was abusive, but she did not tell the courts. Hold court in Florida.

Scenario 3: Tina petitioned the court to be able to move to Georgia because Joe was abusive and the Florida court said okay. Hold court in Georgia.

Scenario 4: Tina and Joe both went a little looney and just decided to leave Florida altogether. Tina takes little Terry to Georgia and Joe moves to Alabama. Hold court in Georgia.

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That should be expressed in the custody orders.

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Yes, custody laws can vary drastically from state to state. You can look up your states' custody laws via the internet.

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That is dependent on state laws and related factors. See links for help.

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Courts determine custody based on what is in the best interests of the children, and state laws typically cite a list of best interest factors that a judge must consider.

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It depends on your state's custody laws. For example, California is a "mother state" where the only way a mother can be denied full custody of her children is if she is so grossly unfit that she is institutionalized. Other states may prefer the father, but generally very few states have a non-gender-biased ideal behind custody laws.

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No, unless a custody order is being violated, it is not kidnapping for the Father to move out of state with his own children.

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That depends on the laws in your state and state laws vary on that issue.That depends on the laws in your state and state laws vary on that issue.That depends on the laws in your state and state laws vary on that issue.That depends on the laws in your state and state laws vary on that issue.