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Probably the biggest danger is infection.

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Q: What are the dangers to the body when the skin is damaged?
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What is the largest organ of the body which can be damaged by alcohol abuse?

The skin.

What do you mean by skin drafting?

Taking skin from a healthy part of the body and transplanting it to an area that has been damaged.

The history of keloid?

There is no history to a keloid, its a disorganised structure of skin cells that cover an area of damaged tissue (skin) in order to protect the body.

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The liver. The liver is damaged. The yellow color of the skin indicates that the liver can no longer conjugate bilirubin properly.

What body system is damaged when you cut your finger or get sun burn?

This would be your skin, which is part of the integumentary system.

Is body skin supposed to look younger and more glowing then your face?

The difference in skin is normal, but can be taken care of. Exfoliation will help rejuvenate the sun-damaged skin and balance skin tone .

What are dangers of tanning?

=Sunburn==&==Skin Cancer=

What body systems can be damaged by smoking or using illegal drugs?

Almost all of the body can be damaged by these things. Smoking can damage the lungs and circulatory system, harm the skin, and cause cancer. Uppers can cause the body to age prematurely. Ingested drugs can harm the liver.

What are some of the dangers associated with plastic surgery?

Some of the dangers of plastic surgery could be infection, leakage, pain, and even death. You could have severe allergic reactions or skin infections for items being put in your body.

Do you keep the same skin for life?

If your talking about human skin, no! Your body is constantly replacing damaged or old cells, so you go through about 1 skin a month. Think about all on the dust in your house. 95% of it is human skin.

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Online trading has many dangers. Such dangers might include fraud, damaged products and merchandise, credit card information theft and many other dangers.

What are two dangers of visible light?

Skin cancer