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The Brazilian wandering spider [Phoneutriaspp., 'Murderess' in Greek] is one of Brazil's most dangerous animals. The Guinness World Records 2007 ranked them as the world's most venomous Spiders. There are 8 species of Brazilian wandering spiders. These spiders are found throughout Brazil, except for the northeastern area north of Salvador in the state of Bahia.

Phoneutria nigriventer is the most venomous of the 8 species. Its venom contains a neurotoxin [PhTx3] that at its deadliest level causes paralysis and asphyxiation.

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Like nearly every country around the globe, Brazil does have more than its fair share of deadly assorted nasty insects and venomous spiders and snakes. Always pack anti-histamines when you go abroad as you never know when you will need them. Here are some of Brazil's nasty biting and stinging animals, these are only a few out of the hundreds that are in Brazil which may be met whilst on vacation.


There are many different snakes found in Brazil, some are harmless, and some can get a bit nasty if cornered. Most of the snakes belong to the viper family, which do give a venomous bite causing inflammation of the bitten area and severe pain.The Pit Viper mainly feeds on birds but will bite humans if agitated. Another viper found in Brazil is the Tree Viper, green in colour, which makes it difficult to spot, and again can and will bite, so if you have had a few drinks and feel like climbing something, select a lamp post instead of a tree, you never know what is lurking in the branches.

Brazillian Wandering Spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is classed as the worlds most venomous spider. Their bodies can be up to 5cm in length, then add on the legs and you have a dangerous 15cm spider, approximately, they can be smaller, but have also known to be bigger, that is a big spider, with legs this big, it must be very fast. These spiders do not have webs and they walk around the floor at night hunting for food. Like scorpions, they will rest in the daytime under rocks and anything else on the ground, including shoes, slippers, and hats.

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