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this bacteria are three types but not belong.

1. metiocondria

2. golgiey

3. prokeryotic

golgiey bodys and metiocondria are not present in prokeryotic cell.

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Q: What are the definitions of all the parts of a bacteria cell?
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Not all of them. Most bacteria have cell walls.

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No, they don't. They have DNA material but not the membrane around it. They are really too small to have any organelles.

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Yes, Lysosomes are in all animal cells. Lysosomes remove any waste and bacteria in a cell. This organelle also recycles worn out cell parts.

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The nucleus holds the instructions for making all the cell parts.

How do you use cell parts in a sentence?

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Cell organelles not in a bacterial cell?

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What are some types of bacteria have cell walls?

All bacteria have cell walls. A cell wall outside the cell membrane is found in plants, fungi, bacteria, algae, and archaea. This cell wall is often a target of antibiotics. Viruses also attach to the bacteria cell walls. The bacteria that have cell walls include staph and strep.

Do all bacteria have a cell wall?

Most, but not all bacteria as well as archea have cell walls. Eukaryotic cell walls of plants are entirely different than bacterial cell walls, however.

What three cell parts do almost all cells have?

~ cell membrane ~ ribosomes ~ cytoplasm ~ DNA Not all cells have a nucleus. prokaryote cells do not have a nucleous. A way to remember this is "Pro-No," "pro" short for prokaryote and no as in "no" nucleus Example: animals and plants eukaryote cells have a nucleus. Example: bacteria bacteria is not a eukaryote cell. and DNA is in all cells