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Q: What are the destructive forces that wear down the surface of the earth?
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How do destructive forces affect earth's surface?

Destructive forces affect the Earth because a destructive force is a process in which Earth's landforms are broken down by: weathering, erosion, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, and floods. Rivers keep eroding the land under neath it so it keeps going farther and farther down. (That's how the Grand Canyon was formed).

What forces on Earth's surface break down rocks?

Weathering breaks down rocks on the Earth's surface by wind, rain, or ice.

Are hurricanes constructive or destructive forces?

A hurricane is a destructive force. When it is formed and makes landfall is destroys or breaks down parts of the Earth.

How do constructive and destructive forces inside Earth contribute to the rock cycle?

because the earths has magma plates which make them cool.

How do constructive and destructive forces contribute to the rock cycle?

constructive and destructive forces build up and wear down the crust.

What are exogenous forces?

Exogenous forces are those natural forces that are "destructive" (reductive) and wear down surface formations on the planet. These forces include geologic disruptions (earthquakes, landslides) and general weathering effects.

How is Earth's surface is worn down?

denudation forces including mass wasting, weathering, and erosion

What is the differecne between destructive forces and constructive forces on rock in the rock cycle?

destructive force wears down rocks while constructive force builds up rock

When region of earth's surface sink down?

when regions of earth surface sink down

What is the definition of destructive forces?

A destructive force is any natural disaster. Such as, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami's, etc.

What causes the earth to slow down its orbit?

Tidal forces between the Sun and the Earth cause friction in Earth's surface - sort of a rippling - that slows the orbit. It is easier to see these tidal forces acting on the water in our oceans than it is to see in our land, but they are there.

The power of endogenic and exogenic forces?

Exogenous forces are forces that work above the earths surface and break down landforms. Endogenous forces are forces that work below the earths surface and build up land forms