

What are the dietary habits of Indians?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are the dietary habits of Indians?
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What are jewish dietary habits?

Laws, not habits. See the attached Related Link.

What are the dietary practices or dietary habits or dietary misbelieves regarding beverages?

The dietary practices or dietary habits is that we should take eight glasses of water everyday. The dietary misbelieves regarding beverages is that soft drinks are required in our daily diets. They have high amount of sugars which put us at risk.

What dietary habits can help prevent urinary leaking?

Adjusting dietary habits and avoiding acidic and spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, and other bladder irritants can help to prevent urinary leaking.

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What dietary habits contribute to the development of cavities?

What do you mean by dietary habits of nationality groups and regional food patterns?

Dietry habits are where you eat certain foods that can make you massively overweight

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Bears are listed among the Carnivora, but have omnivorous dietary habits.

What are studies that reveal correlation between dietary habits and disease incidence referred to as?

epidemiological studies.

How can you use participant's in a sentence?

The participants in the study were asked to complete a questionnaire about their dietary habits.

What type of research studies populations and is often used to search for correlations between dietary habits and disease incidence?

Epidemiological Study.

What type of research studies population and is often used to search for correlation between dietary habits and disease incidence?

Epidemiological Study.

How do you cultivate good dietary habits?

its just that u have to make a timetable or routine schedule of ur diet n have to follow it at any cost

How has Italian food influenced the change of dietary habits of Australians?

They are becoming binge eaters of fast food rather than appreciating gourmet