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Vegetables and fruits have many differences and similarities. It is important for us to know what these similarities and differences are. Using dictionaries and other sources to define the terms, one may conclude that the source's definition differs from the common interpretation. Many are surprised to know that the fruits they call vegetables were actually fruits. To give a clear understanding, the following needs to be stated: the definition of a fruit, the definition of a vegetable, and what they have in common.

According to Webster's Dictionary, a Vegetable is: "A usually herbaceous plant... grown for an edible part that is usually eaten as part of a meal." Vegetables are eaten steamed, fried, baked, or raw, but the most commonly eaten cooked. Vegetables can be the root, stem, or a leaf of a plant. Some examples of this are: potato (root), celery (stem) and lettuce (leaf). Another thing you should know about vegetables is that all vegetables grow either under ground, or barely sitting right on top; Never on trees or bushes like most fruits. Vegetable's seeds are harder to find, so people mostly plant a vegetable just by sticking it in the ground. These are the specific examples to describe vegetables.

Most people think that all all fruits are sweet and fleshy. This is not so. Some fruits that one may think are vegetables, are stunned to realize that they are actually fruits. Most people are familiar with the fact that a tomato is not a vegetable. This is comprehendible because a tomato is fleshy and it is an ovary of a flowering plant. Referring again to the Webster Dictionary a fruit is: "The usually edible reproductive body of a seeding plant..." According to this definition, scientist conclude that, squash, pumpkins, eggplant, cucumbers, peppers, and avocados are really fruits. There are three types of fruits, simple fruit, aggregate fruits, and multiple fruits. According to HighBeam Research, a simple fruit is, one fruit developed from a single flower. The most common fruits are simple fruits. Aggregate fruits are a flower that produces many tiny fruits clustered tightly together. Some examples are, Raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. The last one is Multiple fruit. It's definition is, many fruits from many different flowers that develop closely together to form one bigger fruit. Two examples of multiple fruit are, pineapples, and mulberries. Knowing the basics of what a fruit is, helps you not to mistake a fruit for a vegetable.

Both vegetables and fruits have common characteristics. The Basic facts about them are common.They both are natural foods meaning that they are not processed. Both grow from the ground. Both need the sun, water and good soil to grow properly. They are both eaten by humans and animals. When it comes to shelf life they both perish fairly quickly. To prevent fruits and vegetables from rotting you can put them in a freezer, can them, or refrigerate them. Vegetables and fruits have similar vitamins and nutrients. The vitamins they most commonly share are A, C, D, and K, and the common nutrients are calcium, niacin, iron, potassium, magnesium, folate and phosphorus. If one diet is mostly composed of these two, it reduces obesity. These two are very nutrient dense and adverses health for cells. Vegetables and Fruits are very similar in many ways.

Fruits and vegetables have many distinctions, and similarities. Some things to remember are that a vegetable is a plant that is eaten for its edible parts, and a fruit is an ovary of a flowering plant. Both have common characteristics, vitamins, and nutrients. Now the the definition of vegetables, fruits, and the characteristics they share, are clear.

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They Are alike because of grow on farms or gardens / trees

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Q: What are the difference and similarities of fruits and vegetables?
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