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They have the same religion, but another nationality!

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Q: What are the differences between American Jews and Israeli Jews?
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How different are American Jews and British Jews?

There are many differences among American Jews and Israeli Jews. In the United States, the majority of Jews are Ashkenazi (though there are some Sephardic Jews). Also, American Jews often make specific distinctions between Reform, Conservative, Secular Humanist, Reconstructionist, and Orthodox, whereas in Israel, people tend to be secular Jews, reform, or Orthodox. In the U.S., Jews have to make an effort to celebrate the holidays or go to services, but in Israel the holidays are essentially automatically in the calendar, and Judaism is kind of all around. Some American Jews know few other Jews, but the majority of Israeli Jews know lots of other Jews.

Does hanukkah mean the same in the US as it does in Israel?

Generally speaking, yes. There are some minute differences in interpretation of Hanukkah between Israeli Jews and American Jews, but there is really no difference in how the holiday is observed.

Are Jews and Israel the same?

There are Jews all over the world. The one who live in Israel are Israeli Jews, like those in the U.S called American Jews.

What are the marriage laws for American Jews in Israel?

Assuming that the American Jews actually have Israeli citizenship, then the laws are the same for Israelis. Israeli Jews have to prove they are Jewish in order to marry each other. Usually, this is done via the ketuba - or Jewish marriage contract - of their parents. An Orthodox ketuba is usually enough. However, many American-Israeli Jewish women need to also prove they have not been married before, or that if they are divorced, they were properly divorced. Usually they will be asked to bring in two witnesses to testify this. If the American Jews do not have Israeli citizenship, then they can still go through this process to be recognized by the Rabbanut.

Why did the conflict between Jews and Mulims start?

Because religion fosters war and conflicts. There is no conflict between Jews and Muslims as such. There are conflicts that pit Jews and Muslims against one another, such the the Israeli-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, there is no Holy War by either religion targeting the adherents of the other.

What are the causes of the Israeli Conflict?

Which Israeli conflict is the question referring to? -- Click the link to read the answer to that question.What are the causes of the Arab-Israeli Conflict? -- referring to the wars that Israel has fought with different Arab States like Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, inter alia.What are the causes of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? -- referring to the Israeli problems with endemic Palestinian Arabs who live in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.What are the causes of Conflicts between Religious and Secular Jews in Israel? -- referring to political wrangling between different parts of the Israeli electorate (most often Secular Jews vs. Religious Jews) that causes disagreements in Israeli policy.

Are there any physical differences between Jews and other people?

I highly doubt there are any physical differences between Jews and other people. Every is equal so there shouldn't be. However, that is my assumption.

Why is Jerusalem always in the news?

Jerusalem is a very high-tension city. There is a lot of friction between the Palestinians, the Israeli-Arabs, and the Jews in Jerusalem over many things such as Building rights, Cultural differences, etc. Also - there have been many suicide bombings and terrorist attacks against the Jews in Jerusalem. It is also the seat of the Israeli governemnt which has been in the news since the state of Israel was founded. Many high ranking politicians come to Jerusalem to speak at the Knesset (The Israeli House of Government).

What are the differences and similarities between Jews questions and Muslims?

The both belvie in god but jews do not think that jesus was the messiah

What are the Differences between Jews and ancient Greeks?

One is a religion, the other is not. Have fun!

What are the differences between today United States and the holocaust?

ALOT...ask the jews.

What are the main differences between orthdox and reform synagogues?

orthodox Jews are traditional and reform Jews have mordenised their traditional ways