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In my opinion, it's the same thing.

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Deja Vu ESP is the feeling of having experienced the present situation before, often associated with extrasensory perception. Precognitive dreams involve dreaming of future events or experiences before they happen. Both phenomena suggest a connection beyond normal perception, but Deja Vu ESP occurs in waking moments while precognitive dreams happen during sleep.

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Q: What are the differences between Deja Vu ESP and Precognitive dreams?
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Has anyone ever had deja vu within a dream Does it have any significant meaning?

It is possible for someone to experience déjà vu within a dream, as dreams can incorporate real-life memories and feelings. However, the significance of this experience can vary depending on the individual's beliefs and interpretations of dreams. Some may view it as a form of self-reflection or a way for the subconscious mind to process familiar situations.

If you have deja vu can it mean your dreams are predicting the future?

On dreams that comes true;We often count only those dreams that comes true (few), and forget about the dreams that don't come true (many).One way to experiment is to record all dreams after they occur and count the hits and the answerYes it can mean that your dreams are seeing the future because in subconscious mind where dreams come from there is not the limitation of time or space like it is in the physical existence. Be cautious about predicting the future ,however, since we can change things through our conscious choices. It is best to learn to interpret you own dreams through using the universal language of mind , which was discovered and is being taught by those at The School of Metaphysics. NEW's the thing.... dreams and deja vu are TOTALLY connected. I experience it FIRSTHAND, so if anyone tries to tell me otherwise I know better.NEW ANSWER:deja vu is a dream, lets say for example: that you had a dream but you don't remember that dream and weirdly speaking you did something and you thought oh i did this before deja vu well you have done it you drempt it before and it felt so real that only you felt it that turns it into reality but only some dreams come to life its like dreaming your destiny and controlling your destiny, but something that happend in a deja vu state can not be changed at any cost.I have that all the time! I have super weird dream, then the next day, it comes true. It's freaky. I get this terrible feeling in my head and I feel dizzy and sort of feel sick. A girl in my class used to get Daja vu all the time and she'd throw up, but mine is less severe. I just have a weird feeling and I usually get an "aftershock" where I get a massive headache after the feeling goes away. I had deja vu 3 times in like 5 hours. That's like a record for me! Lol. So, in this case, the answer is yes. Having daja vu can mean dreams predicting the future. Super creepy right?

Are you pyshic because you have deja vu often?

I am not psychic. Déjà vu is a common phenomenon where you feel like you have experienced something before when in fact you have not. It is believed to be linked to how memories are processed in the brain, rather than any psychic ability.

Is deja vu a physic power?

Deja vu is not considered a psychic power. It is a phenomenon where a person feels like they have experienced the present situation before, even though it is unfamiliar. The exact cause of deja vu is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a memory-related phenomenon rather than a psychic ability.

When you remember the last time you ate a carrot you are experiencing?

This sensation is called deja vu. When you experience deja vu, you feel as though you've had this experience or done this thing before.

Related questions

Why can't I remember precognitive dreams until they happen?

Dreams are rarely precognitive. It is more likely that you are experiencing deja vu, a phenomenon that causes one to feel very strongly that one has experienced something previously, even though that is impossible. People often explain the feeling of deja vu by concluding that one must have dreamt the event before it happened. The only sure way to know that a precognitive dream occurred is to maintain a dream diary that can be referred to when one appears to have a "dream come true."

What does precognitive mean?

Its like when you know something is about to happen or like you know how something will turn out. Its almost the feeling of deja vu.

Are dreams memory or imagination?

Dreams are a collection of memorys of your whole life, unless you really imagine the thing. Dreams can also be a form of the 6th sense, such as deja vu, which we all have in our lives.

What does it mean if you dream of deja vu?

There's no one explanation for frequent episodes of deja vu. Could be a recurrence of dreams not remembered consciously. Could be an event of dreams of the future. Could be recurrences of events when we were too young to remember them consciously. Or, it could be recurrences of happenings in an earlier lifetime which are impossible to remember, except perhaps through expert hypnotism with regression.

Has anyone ever had deja vu within a dream Does it have any significant meaning?

It is possible for someone to experience déjà vu within a dream, as dreams can incorporate real-life memories and feelings. However, the significance of this experience can vary depending on the individual's beliefs and interpretations of dreams. Some may view it as a form of self-reflection or a way for the subconscious mind to process familiar situations.

If you have deja vu can it mean your dreams are predicting the future?

On dreams that comes true;We often count only those dreams that comes true (few), and forget about the dreams that don't come true (many).One way to experiment is to record all dreams after they occur and count the hits and the answerYes it can mean that your dreams are seeing the future because in subconscious mind where dreams come from there is not the limitation of time or space like it is in the physical existence. Be cautious about predicting the future ,however, since we can change things through our conscious choices. It is best to learn to interpret you own dreams through using the universal language of mind , which was discovered and is being taught by those at The School of Metaphysics. NEW's the thing.... dreams and deja vu are TOTALLY connected. I experience it FIRSTHAND, so if anyone tries to tell me otherwise I know better.NEW ANSWER:deja vu is a dream, lets say for example: that you had a dream but you don't remember that dream and weirdly speaking you did something and you thought oh i did this before deja vu well you have done it you drempt it before and it felt so real that only you felt it that turns it into reality but only some dreams come to life its like dreaming your destiny and controlling your destiny, but something that happend in a deja vu state can not be changed at any cost.I have that all the time! I have super weird dream, then the next day, it comes true. It's freaky. I get this terrible feeling in my head and I feel dizzy and sort of feel sick. A girl in my class used to get Daja vu all the time and she'd throw up, but mine is less severe. I just have a weird feeling and I usually get an "aftershock" where I get a massive headache after the feeling goes away. I had deja vu 3 times in like 5 hours. That's like a record for me! Lol. So, in this case, the answer is yes. Having daja vu can mean dreams predicting the future. Super creepy right?

Why your dream's come true if some one is Deja Vu so what should do?

This does not resemble a question so much as it seems to be an attempt at quoting lyrics, possibly "Deja Vu" by Solitary Experiments or by Yngwie J. Malmsteen.> On the chance that there is an actual question (or two,) here are some possible answers. "Why [do] your dreams come true if... deja vu..." Deja vu is an intense feeling of having been somewhere or done something previously, when no such prior experience happened. In many cases, the person having deja vu decides that the experience occurred in a dream that predicted the future. But that is only a trick of the mind as a means of explaining the feeling of deja vu; no such dream occurred.> "... so what should [I] do?" The practical thing to do is to develop the habit of keeping a dream journal. If you record your dreams every morning, along with the date of each dream, you will be able to confirm whether or not you have dreams that predict the future.

What if you've seen something in a dream and then actually saw if a few days later?

i actually have not seen that before but i don't think it is true if you did then that is just a wierd You might be experiencing deja vu. This is the intense feeling that you have been in a specific place, seen a specific thing, or heard a conversation before, all the while knowing that is not possible. The mind leaps to the (erroneous) conclusion that you experienced the event in a previous dream, when no such dream occurred. The only way to be certain that one has precognitive dreams is to keep a dream journal. This is simply a notebook in which you consistently record and date your dreams every morning. In this way, you can confirm whether or not you actually have such dreams.

What does it mean if you can see the future in your dreams and there's a certain word that makes you remember it and why does this happen frequently because this happens to me?

What you are describing in this question COULD BE deja vu. If you do not remember having the dream until you hear a certain word, and then you suddenly realize that you have experienced this situation before, that is deja vu. Although it seems impossible at the time, deja vu is only a trick of the mind, rather like a hiccup. You feel as if you experienced this situation previously, and your mind immediately jumps to the conclusion that you dreamed this bit of the future. The more often you have deja vu, the more convinced you can become that you are seeing the future in your dreams. In fact, you are having no such dreams. Your mind is only having a "hiccup" in perceiving a new experience as if it is a repeated experience. For more information, see the link below.

Who name is deja?

My daughters name is Deja. :)

How tall is Deja Chan?

Deja Chan is 5' 7".

How tall is Deja Blew?

Deja Blew is 5' 0".