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Once you can identify basic differences, it'll become easier for you to distinguish between the two.

1st- If you look closely at their faces, you can tell the difference. Japanese people tend to have oval-shaped faces with more prominent noses, lower cheekbones, and more downward angled eyes. Chinese people tend to have rounder faces with more upward angled eyes.

2nd- Much of the pop culture difference comes from the difference between the governments of the two countries. China has a communist government and economy, which makes it a much less consumer-based society. Japan, in contrast, has a booming capitalist system that feeds its citizens' desires to be enriched and entertained.

3rd- Because China is a communist country, most Chinese embrace Atheism. Religious believers in China are often persecuted so religious ceremonies and meetings are typically carried out in private. Japanese people tend to be far more religious, following both Buddhist and Shinto belief systems.

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12y ago

japan doesn't have the great wall of china

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11y ago

china let them in and japan put resistence

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examination systems were not a part of selection of the imperial elite.

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japan is a neighbor and can access china more easily than other countries <====== novanet answer your welcome !

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