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A textfield is a single-line input field, whereas a textarea is a multi-line input field. Textareas are typically used for longer text inputs like comments or descriptions, while textfields are used for shorter inputs like names or email addresses. Textareas can be resized by the user, while textfields are fixed in size.

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Q: What are the differences between textfield and textarea?
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Insert this code into HTML <textarea name="textfield" cols="30" rows="30">YOUR txt file </textarea>

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Do <textarea></textarea>

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The TextBox class is a Screen that allows the user to enter and edit text whereas A TextField is an editable text component that may be placed into a Form.

How do you make a working form in PHP?

You should use php form for it. -EDIT From the above numpty- <? $button = $_POST['button']; $textfield = $_POST['textfield']; if($button && $textfield){ echo $textfield; // This will output "Hello" as the initial value of the textfield was "Hello" } ?> <html> <body> <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> <input name="textfield" type="text" id="textfield" value="Hello"> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html>

Input type for textarea in HTML?

The tag to create a textarea in HTML is: <textarea></textarea> This tag should have an ID, so it can be identified when the form is submitted, and default text can be added inside the tag. <textarea id="ourText">This text is the default</textarea>

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<textarea> Default content if you want it. </textarea> This tag should only appear inside of a <form> element.

How do you apply an array method to an input type-textfield using php if the user inputs 3 on a textfield clicks the submit button then their will be three textfield as a result?

An array method just complicates it, easy just standard This is rough code and not spell proof but generally should work. // Script for processing data <?php $boxes = Array(); $num = $_POST['boxesnum']; // You need a limit to the amount of boxes $limit = 5; whilst ($num <= $limit) { echo "<textfield></textfield><br />"; } ?> // HTML For the form <form method="POST" action="your processing script here"> <input type="text" name="boxesnum" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" />\ </form>

What does shift enter do in Internet Explorer?

Creates a new line in textarea..

Can you create div in textarea in HTML?

No you can't. While you can put div tags inside textarea tags, as anything in the textarea is treated only as text, the browser will ignore the div tags and they will show as text only and so have no impact. So if you do want sections for text, you would have to look at other ways of doing it, like having several text areas with different formatting.

How do you put graphics on neopets in a graphics box so other people can use them?

In order to let people use graphics, you may add a textarea so they can easily copy and paste the source. Use this in coding: <textarea><img src="YOURIMAGEHERE"></textarea> When you submit the code, a nifty box will appear underneath the graphic allowing other people to copy and paste at will.

Is this code right for JAVA?

import java.awt.*;import java.Applet;import java.awt.Event.*;public class CircleDrawer extends Applet implements ActionListener{Button goButton;Button resetButton;TextField radiusField;TextField xposField;TextField yposField;public void init(){goButton = new Button("Generate!");resetButton = new Button("Reset");radiusField = new TextField("5",3);xposField = new TextField("0",2);xposField = new TextField("0",2);goButton.addActionListener(this);resetButton.addActionListener(this);setBackground(;}public void paint(Graphics g){g.setColor(Color.lime);g.drawLine(0,128,256,128);g.drawLine(128,64,128,256);g.drawArc(xposField.getInt()+128,yposField.getInt()+128,radiusField.getInt()*2,radiusField.getInt()*2,0,360);g.drawString("Radius:",0,48);add(radiusField);g.drawString("X:");add(xposField);g.drawString("Y:");add(yposField);add(goButton);add(resetButton);}public void actionPreformed(ActionEvent evt){if (evt.getSource() == goButton){repaint();}}}This is the code

How do you put layout codes on a website for people to copy and use?

You could always store them in a textarea. That way you could store multiple codes on the same webpage. The codes could also be edited within the textarea and they are easily copied from.