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Differences between the North and South Poles

  • Polar bears live only in the Arctic (though this is not actually the North Pole), and penguins live only in the Antarctic (though this is not actually the South Pole).
  • The North Pole lies on a floating ice sheet, not a land mass, amidst the Arctic Ocean. The South Pole sits on the landmass known as the continent of Antarctica.
  • The Antarctic contains about 90% of the world's store of ice and about 70% of the world's fresh water, locked up in ice.
  • The Antarctic is colder than the Arctic, by about 30 degrees F.
  • Over 4 million people live within the Arctic, yet no-one can actually live at the North Pole itself. No-one owns the Antarctic and the permanent population of the Antarctic Circle is nil, but Antarctica has numerous scientific research stations.
  • The Arctic Circle has a large amount of the world's untapped oil reserves, and many nations are vying to drill there. It is believed there are large petroleum reserves at the Antarctic, but the Antarctic Treaty prohibits oil drilling.
  • There is a hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic and the South Pole. Although there is thinning of the ozone layer over the North Pole, there is not actually a hole ... yet.
  • Because the North Pole is an ice sheet, it is more sensitive to climate changes than the South Pole and the Antarctic. The North Pole ice sheet is decreasing in size every year.
  • There is a North Star at the North Pole but no South Star at the South Pole, but the Southern Cross is in the Southern Hemisphere of stars.
  • There are no volcanoes at the North Pole (there can't be because there is no land) whilst there are volcanoes on Antarctica.
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Q: What are the differences between the North and South Poles?
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