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The same in principle, due to water falling under gravity. Hydro however is produced by a reservoir of water which depends on rainfall, whereas tidal is produced by tidal rise and fall, which is produced by gravitation between earth, moon, and sun

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Q: What are the differences between tidal energy with the hydroelectric energy generated by a dam?
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What is the difference between hydroelectric energy and solar energy?

Solar energy is generated using solar panels that face the sun and gather the energy. Hydroelectric energy is generated by rushing water. The intense pressure creates a large amount of energy. Basically, solar energy uses the sun, and hydroelectric energy uses water.

Where is hydroelectric energy found?

Where is hydroelectric energy generated?Hydroelectric energy, being electricity generated from a hydro (water) source, usually a hydro-electric dam, can be found anywhere on the electrical grid.

Electric energy generated from moving water is called?

Electric energy generated from a water source is typically known as hydroelectric energy.

What are the differences between geothermal and hydroelectric?

Geothermal comes from the energy of the earth, hydroelectric come from the energy of flowing water. Imagine a natural occurring hot springs. This is an example of geothermal. An example for hydroelectric is a water mill.

What is the differences between the use of hydroelectric energy and coal?

the one uses water and the other uses coal

Is wind energy more efficient than hydroelectric energy?

Yes, but only because Hydroelectric generated electricity can be produced 24/7.

What are the differences between hydroelectric energy and wind energy?

Hydroelectric energy uses water to turn large turbines in damns to generate electricity, while wind energy uses wind to turn wind turbines to generate electricity.

Describe the similarities and differences between transforming energy in a hydroelectric dam and a wind turbine?

An obvious answer is that the sources for the energy conversion is that the resources are renewable

Does hydroelectric energy come from the sun?

Technically, hydroelectric energy ultimately comes from the sun. This is because the sun's energy heats up water, moving water through the water cycle. Hydroelectric energy is generated by harnessing the power created by the movement of this water.

What is hydrogwe energy?

There is no such thing as "hydrogwe" energy. However "hydroelectric" energy is electricity generated from falling water (such as that held behind a dam.

Is hydroelectric energy more efficient than wind power?

Yes, but only because Hydroelectric generated electricity can be produced 24/7.

What is water energy?

You're probably referring to energy generated by harvesting the flow of water via hydroelectric power plants and the such.