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Q: What are the different adaptations of a deep sea glass squid?
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What is the deep sea glass squid's method of movement?

my mom

What is a glass squids diet?

what does the glass squid eat and how does it hunt and can you explan to me very carefully. -- very little is known about the glass squid. They are known to bioluminesce, meaning they probably use this to lure their prey close. Since they vary greatly in size, it is difficlut to determine what they prey on. They can be as small as 10 cm or as large as 14 meters in the case of the colossal squid. Which size are you referring to? --

What type of squid is a vampire squid?

It is a small, deep-sea cephalopod

What are deep seas?

The vampire squid is a deep sea detritivore.

How deep do squid live in the ocean?

They live in deep trenches in the ocean.

What sea animal eat squid?

sperm whales, deep sea sharks are squid predators

How deep are giant squid normialy found?

Not that deep, because they live in pools

How heavy does an average squid weigh?

Teuthowenia pellucida, also known as the Deep Sea Glass Squid lives in the deep seas of the southern hemisphere. It has light organs on its eyes and it is able to roll into a ball, just like a hedgehog. (Image from:

What does the giant squid eat?

Deep-sea fish and smaller squid and even sometimes sea turtles

Where does the giant squid live in the world?

Deep in oceans

What zones does the Giant Squid live in?

the deep zone

Do squid live in the ocean?

Yes, squid live in the ocean. They live very deep under the water.