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dipthongs are sounds travelers

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Q: What are the different diphthongs?
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What is the difference between vowels and diphthongs?

The difference is that diphthongs (note spelling) are made by combining two vowel sounds into a single syllable. Three "long" vowels in English are actually diphthongs: A= e+i; I = a+i; O= o+u.

What do you call those th words?

they are called, "Diphthongs".

How many diphthongs are there in Spanish?

That depends on how you count them. The Wikipedia entry for "diptongo" counts 22 but lots of those are splitting hairs between different types of diphtongs.

How many diphthongs in the English language?

There are 8 diphthongs in the English language: /aɪ/, /eɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /aʊ/, /oʊ/, /ɪə/, /eə/, and /ʊə/. Diphthongs are combination of two vowel sounds pronounced in one syllable.

How do you spell no in Spanish?

"No" in English is also "no" in Spanish. The pronunciation is however different, English (especially the American dialects) have "diphthongs" for most vowels (a gliding between two vowel sounds - in "no" the glide is from an 'o' to a 'w') but Spanish (many dialects) do not have these diphthongs to the same extent and certainly not in their "no". The Spanish 'o' sound is often shorter and constant (clear), no glide.

How many clusters and diphthongs in the word drought?

The word "drought" has one consonant cluster "ght" at the end. It contains one diphthong, which is the vowel combination "ou."

What is diphthongs and triphthongs?

A diphthong is a vowel sound created by combining two different vowels in one syllable. A triphthong is a vowel sound created by combining three different vowels in one syllable. A triphthong may form simple or compound sounds.

How do you pronounce vos memoires?

"Voe may-mwahr," but with pure vowels, not the diphthongs of English long O and long A.

How many diphthongs are there in English vowels?

There are eight diphthongs in English vowels: /aɪ/ as in "like", /aʊ/ as in "house", /eɪ/ as in "play", /ɔɪ/ as in "boy", /oʊ/ as in "go", /ɪə/ as in "here", /eə/ as in "care", and /ʊə/ as in "sure".

How is w a vowel?

In English, the letter "w" is considered a vowel when it is part of a diphthong, which is a combination of two vowel sounds pronounced in one syllable (e.g. in words like "cow" or "how"). In these cases, the "w" does not function as a consonant and instead helps create the diphthong sound.

Does parents have a long vowel sound?

The first syllable has a diphthong (pronounced like pair, air, etc). Diphthongs are long, but above all consist of two vowlels.

What is a vowel sound made from the blending of two vowels in a single syllable?

It's called a diphthong literally, checked out a dictionary it will explain it a little more