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The difference is that diphthongs (note spelling) are made by combining two vowel sounds into a single syllable. Three "long" vowels in English are actually diphthongs: A= e+i; I = a+i; O= o+u.

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Q: What is the difference between vowels and diphthongs?
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What is the difference between pure vowels and diphthongs. How do you describe them?

The simplest way to describe pure vowels and dipthongs and the difference between them is this: A pure vowel is one vowel making one sound. For example: In the word 'lid', the letter 'i' makes one sound. Dipthongs are two vowels combing to make one sound. For example: In the word 'lied', the letters 'i' and 'e' together make one sound.

How do you pronounce vos memoires?

"Voe may-mwahr," but with pure vowels, not the diphthongs of English long O and long A.

How many diphthongs are there in English vowels?

There are eight diphthongs in English vowels: /aɪ/ as in "like", /aʊ/ as in "house", /eɪ/ as in "play", /ɔɪ/ as in "boy", /oʊ/ as in "go", /ɪə/ as in "here", /eə/ as in "care", and /ʊə/ as in "sure".

What two vowels the make the long e sound?

Diphthongs (two vowels together giving one sound) giving a long e sound are:ie: fieldei: receiveee: feelea: feasible

How do you tell the difference between short and long vowels?

Short vowels are pronounced briefly, while long vowels are held for a longer duration. Additionally, long vowels often occur in words with a silent "e" at the end or when two vowels are paired together. Learning common patterns and practicing pronunciation can help distinguish between short and long vowels.

What is the importance of vowels consents dipthongs?

Correct pronunciation and enunciation of the vowels, consonants and diphthongs are necessary for successful communication. Knowledge in these help to move the tongue and lips correctly and clearly especially in public speaking.

What letters are sometimes vowels?

Y is sometimes. The main vowels are A,E,I,OU Y and w are sometimes vowels, but w only in diphthongs like "how." Also, voiced consonants such as l and r may be vocalic, as in apple ( "ap-pul"), and brrr ( "burr")

How do you spell no in Spanish?

"No" in English is also "no" in Spanish. The pronunciation is however different, English (especially the American dialects) have "diphthongs" for most vowels (a gliding between two vowel sounds - in "no" the glide is from an 'o' to a 'w') but Spanish (many dialects) do not have these diphthongs to the same extent and certainly not in their "no". The Spanish 'o' sound is often shorter and constant (clear), no glide.

Is y a diphthong?

No. A diphthong is a combination of two vowels that make a sound which glides between the two, but sounds like neither. The word Out contains an OU diphthong. The letter Y often combines with other vowels to make diphthongs, such as Boy, Toy, Joy, etc. However, by itself it cannot be a diphthong.

Do vowels have only one sound for each vowel letter?

No, vowels can have multiple sounds depending on the word and the surrounding letters. Vowels can have long or short sounds, as well as different sounds in different dialects of a language.

What a diphthong is?

A diphthong is a combination of a strong vowel and a weak vowel, or two weak vowels to make one syllable or sound. The English "long" vowels a, i, and o are diphthongs, having the IPA designation ei, ai and ou respectively.

What is diphthongs and triphthongs?

A diphthong is a vowel sound created by combining two different vowels in one syllable. A triphthong is a vowel sound created by combining three different vowels in one syllable. A triphthong may form simple or compound sounds.