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the glands and the hormones are physically change beacuse of the graphic the graphic the move slowly to our ovary then after that it moves away from the glands that gland is called ENDOCRINE GLANDS ..there are more types of endocrine system

punneal glands


minimum glands

weaver glands

arcland gland

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Q: What are the different endocrine glands that affects the changes during puberty?
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What chemicals control changes from childhood to adulthood?

Hormones released by the endocrine system cause the changes associated with puberty.

Which body system is responsible for changes during puberty?

Well, you need evry single one of them but the most important one id yhe endocrine system.

What are the different changes of occurring puberty?

breast development and hair growth

Which body system is responsible for you hitting puberty?

The endocrine system is responsible for a person going through the stages of puberty.

What happened to cause a female to begin puberty?

Puberty hormones are released at a certain age. Hormones are released by the endocrine system. (:)

What happens to cause a female to begin puberty?

Puberty hormones are released at a certain age. Hormones are released by the endocrine system. (:)

What do you feel when you are in age of puberty?

When you are going through puberty, there is overall restlessness and many mood swings. There are many behavioural changes that are caused by the different hormones.

Why do some people experience different secodary signs of puberty?

Puberty can affect different people in completely different ways. Due to the amount of changes going on in the body (both physically and mentally), people can display different reactions.

What is the chemical product of an endocrine gland?

The chemical product of an endocrine gland is called a hormone. These cause changes in the body. Different glands will produce different hormones for different purposes. For example, the adrenal glands will produce adrenaline (fight or flight hormone), the pituitary gland will produce testosterone and oestrogen (puberty hormones) and the hypothalamus in the brain will produce many hormones that regulate bodily functions such as breathing, heart-beat, body temperature etc.

Phase changes are examples of what changes?


Which endocrine gland causes the process of puberty to begin?

the pituitary gland.

What two endocrine glands mature during puberty allowing the human to reproduce?

The testis in males mature during puberty. In females it is the ovaries that mature.