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The testis in males mature during puberty. In females it is the ovaries that mature.

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Q: What two endocrine glands mature during puberty allowing the human to reproduce?
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Related questions

Why do you need to undergo physical changes during the stage of puberty?

these changes are necessary, otherwise we will remain under developed. also we will bot be able to reproduce without puberty.

Which body system is responsible for changes during puberty?

Well, you need evry single one of them but the most important one id yhe endocrine system.

What are the different endocrine glands that affects the changes during puberty?

the glands and the hormones are physically change beacuse of the graphic the graphic the move slowly to our ovary then after that it moves away from the glands that gland is called ENDOCRINE GLANDS ..there are more types of endocrine system punneal glands thiyrdmus minimum glands weaver glands arcland gland

Do you have sperm during puberty?

yes, you create sperm during puberty.

What will happen if you produce sperms during puberty?

Nothing , that's what happens during puberty

Can some lotions hurt you during puberty?

Not because you are in puberty.

Can sexual orintation change during puberty?

It is true to say that sexual orientation change during puberty.

Do you break out during puberty?

yep, pimps and zits are parts of puberty

When will you get sperm?

During and after puberty

What glands changes the voice during puberty?

The testosterone produced in the testicles are what cause the voice to change during puberty.

Why do girls have sexual thoughts during puberty?

During puberty, hormone production increases. The hormone testosterone, produced in the testes beginning in puberty, is responsible for sex drive.

What determines which part of your brain will be lost during puberty?

This is a myth that brain is lost during puberty. Nothing of the sorts happen.