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Even in languages where string is a type, it is still an array of characters. A computer can not represent a string as a primitive type.

That said, the difference between using the programming language string object or an array or list if characters will differ based on language. Though in most languages which offer a string type, it would mean that you'd have to implement all the functions provided for you by the type on your own. A string object class simply provides a series of utility functions to manipulate a character array within.

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Why test automation is required?

To save money and time. This is done by automating test cases which need to be run over and over again with a different set of data/environment/OS etc. thanks Lathif Lamba Interestingly, automation benefits are often not what you might expect. Smart managers will use it for the mundane testing, and then rather than layoff testers, allowing them to perform more exploratory testing. If well implemented, it can detect subtle issues, like counters that are valid with values of 1 or greater, generating issues when they occasionally reset to 0. It will identify object property naming issues that are not visible to the user. It can even track when links have taken you to from the test site to the live site. One approach to estimated ROI savings can be calculated by the amount of money that would have been paid to a warm body to perform the testing manually, plus the estimate of the cost to the company to pacify the customer had the defect reached them. If poorly implemented, they become projects that require more maintenance than execution, losing buy-in, and eventually failing.

How to improve memory issues and performance of java application?

What are the memory issues you are having? Where is the performance problem? Describe your problem!

Why java is called purely object oriented language?

Java is called a "pure" object-oriented language because it requires that all code written in it be wrapped in objects. This differs from the more common meaning of "pure" object-oriented (everything is an object) in that Java has primitive types and primitive operations on them - int, char, double, float, long and addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. A real example of a PURE object-oriented language is Smalltalk, one of Java's predecessors.

What are cross-cutting issues in academia?

its a loop

What are the Social issues relating genetic engineering?

there are many issues dealing with genetic engineering, most people who go through genetic therapy come out with a disease, when they didn't before

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