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The basic parts of a spectrophotometer are a light source, a holder for the sample, a diffraction grating in a monochromator or a prism to separate the different wavelengths of light, and a detector.

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Q: What are the different parts of spectrometer?
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How do you distinguish isotopes by mass spectrometer?

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Why electric field is used in mass spectrometer?

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The isotopes have different masses.

What would a spectrometer be used for?

A spectrometer is used to measure different properties of light. Normally one is given a specific wavelength for the light measured when using this instrument.

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The difference between the photometer and the spectrometer is a matter of complexity. Both are used to measure color absorbency quantitatively, but photometers are much simpler in design, having fewer parts, and as such are less expensive and easier to obtain. They're usually not quite as detailed in results as a spectrometer, however.

What is the tool called a spectrometer used by scientists for?

A spectrometer breaks light down into tiny bands. If the light is from a star, or our sun, the patterns in the bands act as a signature of the different elements revealed in the light. We know exactly what elements are present in our sun - and in what proportions - by use of the spectrometer.

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spectrometer spectrometer

What information is obtained from a mass spectrometer?

A mass spectrometer detects what percent of an element each isotope is present in. For example, hydrogen comes in three forms, with one proton in each one and zero, one, and two neutrons. A mass spectrometer fires ions of the hydrogen atoms, which are flung out at different parts of the detector. All of the hydrogen of one type falls onto the same part of the detector, thus allowing us to determine how much of each isotope there is.

What is spectrometer what is least count of spectrometer how it is how you can take mesurment of spectrometer?

spectometer is an instrument wnich measures the light passes through a prism

What is the device used to determine atomic masses?


Investigatory project about spectrometer?

An investigatory project is a planned experiment for the purposes of research. One investigatory project using a spectrometer would be to use the instrument in order to determine the glucose levels of different types of foods.