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Q: What are the different poles in kidney?
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Why are there different types of totem poles?

entryway poles, ridicule poles and shame poles.

How is the strength of two magnetic poles related to the force between them?

The rule for the interaction between the magnetic poles is similar to the interaction between the electrical charges in terms of the attraction and repulsion. In both cases the unlike poles attract while the like poles repel.

What is different about a male and female kidney?

Different bwtween male and female kidney

Why are the two poles of a magnet attracted to each other?

different poles have different charges, and different charges are attracted to each other

What determines magnetic pull in a magnet?

the different types of poles. They have to be different or else it won't have the "magnetic pull" the poles are north and south!

How many different totem poles are there?


Why would the magnetic declination be different in different locations?

The big iron ball in the center of the Earthis is suspended in liquid rock and not perfectly centered, spinning but not orientated perfectly to the Earths poles. STherefore, the Earth tends to wobble around it and the magnitic poles are far from the geographic poles. As seen from any place, these poles are then relatively in different directions.

How many poles are within a DC motor?

It depends on the motor. They can be purchased with different numbers of poles. The number of poles mainly changes the speed of the motor.

Is the force and gravitational force poles and equator is same or different?

its is different ok :)

Do Polar molecules such as water have no negative or positive poles?

No. Polar molecules such as water have both negative and positive poles. Different parts of the molecule have slightly different charges.

Is it true that like or similar poles and two different magnets will attract to each other?

No, its opposite. Similar poles repel while dissimilar poles attract each other.

How have switches in the location of earths magnetic poles been determined?

Magnetism leaves particles in molten metals lined up with north and south poles (magnetic poles, not the Earth's poles). Over time different layers of rock show that the N-S and S-N poles have switched, with S pointing in one direction and S pointing in a different direction depending on the age of the rock.