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What are the types of Blindness ?

Protanope andDeutanope

Are color blindness and blindness the same thing?

No - colour-blindness is the inability of the brain to interpret correctly colours that the eyes see, or maybe the eyes have a defect in their structure that sends the wrong signals to the brain. Blindness (total?) is when the eyes are unable to send visual signals to the brain at all. Maybe the optic nerve is damaged, or the eyes themselves are damaged - there are various medical reasons for the cause of blindness.

How can people recover from blindness?

yes some types of blindness can be recovered. it depends on what type of blindness it is.

Which cell or cell types is color blindness in?

Color blindness is due to dysfunctional cone type cells in the retina of the eye.

How many different color blindness are there?

there are 1000005000 kinds of blindnesses

What kind of genetic disease is blindness?

It's hard to say, because blindness is caused by a thousand different things both environmental and genetic.

What are the 2 types of defects of visions?

near sighted, far sighted, cataracts, glaucoma, blindness

Does blindness affect a certain age group?

No colour blindness does not affect a certain age group it can affect anyone but usually you are born with colour blindness its not like usually as you grow older you go blind its completely different

Is there a cure for blindness?

Depends on the condition. Some types can be fixed by surgery, or can fix themselves over time

Can people who are colourblind be pilots?

Generally, no. Some types of color blindness are OK for general aviation, but red-green color blindness is almost always a disqualification, because the wingtip lights are red and green.

Is color blindness rare?

There are several types of color blindness that occur, Deuteranomaly occurs in 5% of the male human population Protanomaly occurs in 1% of the male human population, Other types (such as Tritanomaly which is not sex linked) are more rare,

Is jayfeather a smaller cat?

We can't be certain. It is propable, but he is no different from his siblings excluding his blindness.