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It's hard to say, because blindness is caused by a thousand different things both environmental and genetic.

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Q: What kind of genetic disease is blindness?
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What kind of blindness can attack children?

Blindness isn't the type of disease that can "attack" anyone. Its a genetic disease that occurs with the child at birth or over time. it only happens abruptly under special circumstances

Is colour blindness an infecious disease like the common cold or influenza?

No. It is usually a genetic disease that is caused by the genes which were inherited.

What are some diseases or disorders that are genetic?

albinism. huntington's disease. color blindness. down's syndrome.

Is color blindness an infectious disease like the common flu or influenza?

No, it is not an infectious disease like a cold or flu. Color blindness occurs in people who have a specific genetic trait for it. They often have adapted to the visual disorder by the time they are tested to find out they have it.

What is the most common fatal genetic disease in the US Huntington's disease color blindness hemophilia cystics fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis 1/3300 children affected Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 1/3600 boys affected (Color blindness is not fatal, BTW)

Is blindness a disease or a disorder?

Blindness can be caused by many diseases, but is not a disease. Therefore, it is a disorder.

Are parents carriers in color blindness?

Not exactly "carriers" since that word refers to someone who has a disease but exhibits no symptoms. However there is a genetic component to color blindness. It doesn't mean all children of a couple will have it though as men have i more often than women and in some types of color blindness the woman must have 2 genetic defects to pass it on.

What kind of disease is hemophilia?

Hemophilia is not a disease, my dear friend. Rather, it is a genetic disorder regarding the blood.

A pedigree chart for color blindness?

a pedigree is a chart to show how genetic disorders are passed on in a generation..color blindness is one of the genetic disorders...

Is color blindness like an infectious disease like the common cold or influenza?

Color blindness is caused by a genetic defect, not by an infection by a pathogen. There are several diseases that affects the eye that are caused by a pathogen, but none of these are color blindness, rather a simple infection. no in fact it is very rare. Colour blindness is a self-contained problem of the person who has the colour blindnesss. It is usually a genetic problem or just something that went haywire during fetal development. Most people who are colour blind don't know they have colour blindness until an adult in their life figures it out. It is more a illness with children, it is genetic disorder. hay are u doing the young geneticist card coz I'm stuck too not at all. no. No it isn't as color blindness is from genetic traits. Therefore, color blindness is 99% not infectious

Is Treatment of genetic disease the same as genetic treatment of disease?

no but as I see it treatment of genetic disease is treating a genetic problem as a genetic treatment of a disease is using genetics to stop a certain disease that can be treated with genetics

What is the white covering on my beta fish's eye?

that may be some kind of disease or even blindness you may want to look into it