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Caviar is categorized into types based on the origin and processing method. There is Russian caviar, Iranian caviar and American Caviar. Malossol, salted caviar, pressed caviar and pasteurized caviar are different types of processed caviar.

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Q: What are the different types of caviar?
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What Russian food do you have ina America?

Kasha, caviar and borsh along with many different types of salads.

How much does caviar cost per ounce?

Beluga Caviar should cost $30.00-$50.00. Other types of caviar range from $20.00-65.00.

What types of food do squirrels do not eat?

ptawns, caviar

What other food tastes good with caviar?

Caviar can be eaten alone or on different things. Caviar can be spread on bread, crackers and blinis. Caviar can be drunk with wine, champagne, or vodka.

What are different kinds of caviar?

Caviar, the internal ovaries of the sturgeon fish, can be identified by the species of sturgeon that they are obtained from. Therefore the four kinds of caviar are Sterlet, Ossetra, Beluga, and Sevruga.

Cavier is made from the eggs of which animal?

Caviar is made from fish eggs, usually. In places like France, England or Australia it's made from frog eggs too, but it's really up to where you get it from. The price is different too, Fish Eggs = $19.50 (fish type: common - Lucassa Muntog) Frog Eggs = $22.00 (frog type: rare - Nocci Underwater)

What is vanilla caviar?

Actually, it is fish eggs, but as an interesting quote says in ZwyerCaviar:"Caviar definitely is not food. It's a unique product representing many things - an experience, a handiwork, a specialty, a dream perhaps"AnonymousCaviar is the processed, salted roe of certain species of fish, most notably the sturgeon (black caviar) and the salmon (red caviar). It is commercially marketed worldwide as a delicacy and is eaten as a garnish or a spread; for example, with hors d'œuvres.Eggs Of Sturgeons

Is caviar and lobster the same thing?

Oh you need a course on diner etiquette, lobster is different specie, while caviar means eggs of specific fish. Lobster is cheaper seafood and more widely available. While fresh caviar is criminally expensive and rare to get.

What type of caviar is there?

Most "real" caviar comes from the sturgeon and come from the Caspian Sea. The three main types of caviar are beluga (the most expensive), osetra and sevruga. All these have gray or black eggs. For the more economy minded, Other popular types include salmon (medium, orange to dark red eggs), lumpfish (tiny, shiny and frim black eggs) and whitefish (smaller, yellowish eggs).

What is the antonym for caviar?

There isn't one, because caviar is a food. Or you could just put anti-caviar.

What is sevruga caviar?

An expensive Caspian Sea caviar.

How do you make caviar in doodle god?

egg plus fish