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There are two different types ,the figures they have died a natural death and the orb they have died a slow and painful death.

These two types are too true, if you don't believe you recieve.

Different Types of Ghosts:

Poltergeists(Mischevious Ghost That Like To Pick Things Up and Make Noise)

Ghost(Spirit of a Dead Person)

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Q: What are the different types of ghost?
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There are different types of equipment on the island. You use each at one point to find a ghost. Each one is used to find a different ghost in a different way.

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There are so many different kinds of ghosts out there. Wondercostumes has a large selection of all different types. A brown ghost or a black ghost are two options.

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What type of Pokemon are week against ghost type?

I believe Dark and Ghost types are weak against Ghost types. Ghost types may not be, but I think they are.

What are ghost types week against?

Ghost types are fundamentally weak against ghost or dark attacks.

What Pokemon types beat ghost types?

When attacking, Ghost-Type Pokémon are strong against Psychic-Types and other Ghost-Types, weak against Dark-Types and Steel-Types, and useless against Normal-Types. When being attacked, Ghost-Type Pokémon are strong against Bug-Types and Poison-Types, weak against Dark-Types and other Ghost-Types, and invincible against Normal-Types and Fighting-Types (barring the use of a move like Foresight).

Which types of Pokémon are strong against Ghost-Type?

The pokemon that are strong against psychic are bug, dark, and ghost.

What are Ghost-Type Pokémon strong against?

Ghost-Type moves are strong against Psychic-Types and other Ghost-Types. Ghost-Type Pokémon are strong against Poison-Types and Bug-Types, and particularly strong against Normal-Types and Fighting-Types, since they don't affect Ghost-Types.

What type are weak against ghost Pokemon?

the answer is the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A B R

What moves are super effective against Ghost types?

Ghost types are weak against Dark and Ghost type moves.

What types of Pokemon is powerful on ghost types?

I'm afraid there are no types of pokemon that can beat the Ghost type :P