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the different types are:

  • flattery
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Statistics
  • Repitition
  • Empathy
  • Shock tactics
  • Twisting your Arguments
  • Emotive
  • Blackmail
  • Compromise
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Q: What are the different types of persuasion?
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What can be 2 types of persuasion?

Two types of persuasion are through logical appeals, such as presenting facts, evidence, and reason to convince someone, and through emotional appeals, which involve influencing emotions, beliefs, and attitudes to persuade others. Both types can be effective in different situations depending on the audience and context.

What are the different forms of persuasion and how do they differ from Subliminal persuasion?

Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Subliminal persuasion has to do with the subconscious mind.

What are the various types of hypnosis?

Different types of hypnosis are stage hypnosis, covert hypnosis (for persuasion), self hypnosis, and hypnosis for specific issues such as weight loss or smoking cessation.

What are the two types of persuasion?

tacit approach and explicit approach

Which best tells how persuasion is different from argument?

persuasion is used to change how people think or act

How is arguments mainly different from persuasion?

An argument is when you fight over what is what but a persuasion is too calmly to get the other person to like your idea more.

How is persuasion different from argumentation?

An argument is when you fight over what is what but a persuasion is too calmly get the other person to like your idea more

How is persuasion different from an argument?

persuasion is used to change the way they feel or act

What are the types of persuasion?

ethos, pathos, and logos for more info go to:

How is propaganda different from a logical fact based argument as a form of persuasion?

Emotional content.


The art of persuasion.

What is 3 criteria for persuasion?

What are the three criteria for persuasion?