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Q: What are the disadvantages of blowing balloons?
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Is helium suitable for blowing up balloons?

Yes, balloons filled with helium will be buoyant in air

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dome blowing?

Well it depends on what your depiction of "dome blowing" is.

What is the use for the element for helium?

blowing up balloons making your voice funny

Can you blow up a balloon without blowing air through your mouth how?

There are machines you can buy for blowing up balloons; check with a local party store.

How do you blow up animal balloons?

You can blow it up by breathing and sucking

Sentence with innuendo?

I'm great at blowing... up balloons for parties!

What are some disadvantages of hot air balloons?

Hot air balloons are a slower form of transportation. For most people, they are beautiful to see when they are in the air.

What are the disadvantages of hot air balloons?

Hot air balloons have no forward propulsion or steering mechanism. The pilot only has control over the vertical travel of the aircraft. In order to achieve travel in any given direction, the pilot must find an altitude in which the wind is blowing the desired direction. There is a large amount of luck involved in navigating a hot air balloon. Hot air balloons can be extremely difficult to launch and/or land, and doing so safely requires a large team of personnel.

How do hot air balloons steer?

By changing elevation to find wind currents blowing in different directions. So "not very well".

What is the gas that you use in balloons?

The gas commonly used in balloons is helium. It is lighter than air, which causes the balloon to float when it is filled with helium.

Why do freely suspended balloons move towards while blowing air?

If the balloon is exhausting air, then it will move in a direction opposite to the exhaust gas.

Why does balloons pop?

when blowing a balloon, the balloon will pop after the maximum pressure allowed by the composition of the balloon e.g. (rubber, plastic and alluminum) is exceeded.