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Well, it's an ethics question really. There are no real physical disadvantages. (Unless you engineer everyone to be the same, then we can't evolve and become dependant on cloning and genetic engineering to be able to breed and stay one step ahead of viruses)

There are alot of people can make clones without heads so they couldn't breathe, people can make them smater, more athletic, and sexier than normal people. Everyone will soon be the same and there will be no job oppertunites because anyone will be just like everyone else. Some scientists even think that the clones will age quicker too. Plus Genetic Engineering is against God's will, it's unnantural, and it crosses the species barrier.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of genetic engineering on humans?
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Disadvantages of genetic engineering?

Some disadvantages of genetic engineering include potential unforeseen consequences on ecosystems and biodiversity, ethical concerns surrounding the manipulation of living organisms, and the risk of creating genetically modified organisms that could harm human health or the environment. Additionally, there may be issues related to intellectual property rights and the concentration of power and control within the agricultural and biotechnology industries.

What is the new technology that humans use to alter the genetic instructions in organisms?

genetic engineering

What are the arguments for genetic engineering?

Genetic engineering can cause side affects unknown to humans. And it is messing with nature and the way of human life

What are the benefit to humans brought about by genetic engineering?

The ability to defy gravity is one ability that has not been brought about by genetic engineering. There are many others. Free chocolate for everyone is another.interferon

What uses of genetic engineering would most likely be debated?

it would enable humans to live forever

Which fields are significantly involved in food engineering?

genetic engineering, chemical engineering, biology

What does genetic engineering increase?

Short Answer is: our understanding of genetic engineering.

How do you use genetic engineering in a sentence?

the risks and benefits of genetic engineering.

What makes genetic engineering possible is?

what made genetic engineering possible

Two bacteria are helpful to humans?

lactobacillus converts milk to curd and E.coli for genetic engineering hope this was helpful

Engineering is the science dealing with Altering the genetic materials in living organisms?

Genetic Engineering.

What are 5 examples of genetic engineering?

an example of genetic engineering are like: Cloning IVF