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Other then the fact that you won't be as energetic, and you may become very bored, there are not a lot of disadvantages to sleeping when it comes to being ill with the flu. When your body is fighting a virus, the best possible thing for you is to be resting or sleeping so that your healthy blood cells can kick the bad blood cells butts and fight the infection. Being asleep helps this because then your body can aim 100 percent of it's energy towards fighting the infection instead of trying to say, digest food or move your muscles to walk around or even to concentrate on a phone or book.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of getting too much sleep when one is fighting off the flu?
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No,Sleep is good for the brain, the mouth, and the immune system

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Well, if you don't get enough sleep, bags can form under your eyes. Obviously. Getting enough sleep can help get over minor illness', also. Getting too much sleep can start shrinking your muscles and working organs. They will start disintegrating, because you're body is not getting the right nutrients. Too much sleep can harm your body, too.

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The average person should be getting around 8 hours of sleep but teenager's sometime's need more. I would sudgest a steady 9 hours of sleep.

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Does getting too much sleep like 14 hours a day makes kids grow much better?

not shore but u need to sleep but u still nead exersis