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The term "organic", as used in reference to meat and poultry products within the United States, is a description of the raising and processing method. Some of the disadvantages of organic poultry production are more losses during growth to disease (both through death of the chicken as well as slower weight gain due to fighting off disease), significantly increased production costs (you must feed organic grain, which is very expensive) and you must contract with an organic-certified slaughter facility to kill and process the animals (there are relatively few of these around).

There is an important distinction that needs to be made - organic does not have anything to do with animal welfare, "cage free" or other animal treatment or housing options. Chickens can be raised by organic means in a battery cage, so if you are thinking of purchasing organic chicken because the chickens are treated better, you are not buying what you are expecting to buy.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of organic chickens?
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