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One of the disadvantages of satellite tv is that for each tv, you need one dish, if you have 5 tvs in your house you will need 5 dishes. Also satellite reception can be degraded due to bad weather.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of satellite tv over regular cable tv?
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Satellite television has some advantages over cable because it is usually cheaper in cost. The activation fees are something you do not need to pay. It also offers more channels for sports and music than cable would.

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If you live in rural places, I would suggest going for satellite and satellite is usually cheaper starting around 50 dollars and up and cable can be over 100

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This is always a personal choice, but for the money and reliability cable is still consider the better choice over satellite. This is because any storm can cause interruption in reception for a satellite dish, however, cable being hard wired keeps going strong.

Satellite Cable: Benefits Over Other Television Options ?

Satellite cable has taken over the television industry simply because it offers so many benefits over regular cable television for a lower price in most situations. Research has shown that satellite cable is people's preference because they can get more channels. However, there are numerous other benefits. For starters, satellite cable is available to those that live in remote areas. Many times cable is only available to those that live within city limits, which leaves those that live out in the country to have the options of using an antenna and converter box will usually only gives them a handful of channels. Since television is usually the main source of entertainment for families, a handful of channels just does not cut it. Thus, they turn to satellite cable. Many people who are on the fence about getting satellite cable often worry about the price. However, most of the big satellite companies offer such deep discounts to first time customers that it is cheaper for them than having to purchase an antenna then a converter box. For example, the satellite dish will be free as well as the installation and the satellite box for a specific number of rooms. With the converter box costing on average of fifty dollars, setting up three rooms for television would cost one hundred and fifty dollars. This is money that could be saved by going with satellite cable. Another huge benefit of satellite cable is that the cost per month is set for a certain time period that you sign your contract. Most of those who have regular cable often complain that month after month the price seems to increase. For those that sign a year or two year contract with satellite, which is the normal amount of time that have that price assurance for that time period. After that period they can usually have the same price, depending upon the type of programming that they have. For those that move frequently, cable just does not match satellite. Most satellite companies will transfer your new service to your new home and have someone come out free of charge and install the service. This is something that cable does not offer, which is one of the major downfalls of choosing cable over satellite. Overall, for the price and the number of channels that you receive with satellite cable, it is no contest between the two services.

What channel is the olympic 2012?

It depends on your location and if you are using cable, over the air or satellite.

What are the pros and cons of cable service versus satellite dish service?

There are several pros and cons when referring to cable versus satellite dish service. Most of these pros are for satellite service over cable. Monthly satellite fees typically run way lower than cable, and in most cases you get more channels with satellite services. Satellite also typically gives the watcher a better picture on their screen, even without an HD television. Customer service is also higher with most satellite companies, not only with less outages than cable, but also with their professional installers and employees at their call-in centers. One downside to satellite is the amount of equipment and both the initial cost and monthly fees for said equipment. With cable, you have a single line and a cable box on your television, most cable companies charge no fees whatsoever for this. Satellite, on the other hand, charges monthly fees for boxes, recievers, not to mention your satellite dish, DVR and HDTV equipment. All in all, most people seem to be more pleased with satellite service over c

What are some benefits of cable television over satellite television?

The benefits of cable over satellite is mainly the contract. With cable you are not forced to sign a 1 or two year contract to be able to watch tv. You will not have wires hanging all around your home with cable which can be annoying. Another thing is you can watch the same cable in many different rooms without having to rent additional cable boxes for other tvs. For cable television, you need only the cable box to connect the coaxial cable from the wall to your television. With satellite television, you need the receiver as well as the dish. Cable television will generally continue to be viewable during inclement weather, while satellite television will often go out during storms. With satellite television, you may periodically need to replace or reset the dish, as it can be knocked from its position or damaged.

What are the basic differences between cable and satellite TV technology?

satellite cables and TV cables are the same to a point. the difference in the too are is the TV cable a RG59 or a RG6 RG59 will not work with satellite because if the smaller center conductor with satellite it pushes power were it will end up destroying the center conductor RG6 witch is in newer homes is ideal for both satellite and cable RG11 is used with TV cable from usual the box / tap outside to houses usually running over 300 ft depending on the DB coming from the starting location

Is wireless TV better than cable?

That's a tough one. We've had `wireless TV' since the first TV broadcast transmitter went on the air. It was free and still is. Then came cable and it was followed by satellite systems. I've had both cable and satellite. My personal preferences are for one of the satellite providers over cable, but unless you can get a good `line of sight' to the satellite with your receiving dish, you may have no choice but to opt out for cable. NO, NAOL IS

What are the advantages of Satellite Internet over DSL Internet?

the information travels faster , dsl travels in a line and depending on where your transfer station is for dsl so yes satellite is faster goes direct into your cable. The main advantage that satellite Internet service has over DSL is that satellite Internet is available virtually anywhere in the US even in rural areas where DSL and Cable don't reach. Generally, satellite Internet service beats cable or DSL Internet when DSL or cable Internet is NOT AN OPTION. Cable or DSL access is almost always cheaper (less expensive) than satellite Internet, but not always faster.