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Q: What are the disadvantages of simple distillation process?
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What is the advantage of simple distillation to fractional distillation?

Whether it is better to use fractional or simple distillation depends on the liquids being separated and on the boiling points of the liquids. When there is a great difference between the boiling points of the liquids, simple distillation may be a better option. Likewise, if there is a small difference in boiling points, then fractional distillation is used.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of distillation?

The advantages and disadvantages of distillation are quite vast. On advantage of distillation is that the water is pure and will not conduct electricity.

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In what situation would you use fractional distillation over simple distillation?

You would use simple distillation when the two products you are trying to separate have large difference in boiling points. Fractional distillation is needed when the two products have very close boiling points (like Hexane and toluene). In petroleum refining, the word "fractionation", not "fractional distillation" is used, often interchangeably with "distillation". When we have a crude mixture of different compounds which have very minor difference in their boiling points and cannot be separated simple distillation, then fractional distillation is used. Differenciation of components of petroleum is done by this process

What is the process that separates a mixture based on the boiling points?

That's "fractional distillation" or in the world of oil, "fracking."

What is the technique used to separate a solvent from a solution.?

The simplest method is distillation.

How is distillation used in the lab?

With the help of distillation process.

What is fractional distillation of coal?

the process of separating several mixtures of coal with the process of fractional distillation

What part of fractional distillation is physical?

Distillation is a physical process.

What does distillation require?

Evaporation & Condensation process involve in distillation.

difference between simple and fractional distillation?

The key difference between fractional and simple distillation is that fractional distillation is used when the components in the mixture have closer boiling points, while simple distillation is used when the components in the mixture have a large difference in their boiling points