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Places in a passive rather than an active role, which hinders learning.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of traditional means of communication?
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disadvantages of traditional communication?

i don't knw

What were the traditional means of communication in India?

one of the traditional means of communication is smoke

Disadvantages of modern means of communication?

to reliant on electricity!!

Advantages and disadvantages of traditional communication?

The advantage of traditional communication is that two or more people are carrying on a conversation in person so they can see body language and other non-verbal signals. Much of this is loss in non-traditional communication making it trickier to convey ideas.

What are the two major type of communication?

the two major types of communication are traditional and modern communication the traditional communication was mainly used in the olden days . while modern is the kind we use today

What are advantages and disadvantages of feedback in business communication?

disadvantages of feedback in communication

What are advantages and disadvantages in intercultural communication?

Type your answer here... What is the disadvantages in inercultural communication

What are the similarities between modern and traditional means of communication?

Both the modern forms of communication and the traditional forms of communication helps people to communicate with othersover a wide area. one can be able to communicate to the other person who lives over distance well.

What were the traditional means of communication in Africa?

In africa we uses town criers in other to communicate in our locality .

What is the Conclusion on advantages and disadvantages of communication technology?

The conclusion on advantages and disadvantages of communication technology vary depending on the type of communication. In most cases, the advantages seem to outweigh the disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of diagonal communication?

Anarchy is the disadvantage of diagonal communication.

What are the disadvantages of mass communication?

disadvantages of mass comm it is targetted to a large number of population who may receive the message in different ways with different meanings. there is no interpersonal communication so it does not considers facial exressions, body language, and tone of voice which makes hard for audience to understand the content of the message. you cannot debate and discuss the issue unlike face to face communication.