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Cardinals are essentially seed eaters which eat a lot of insects, buds, fruit/berries etc., as available. When breeding in particular they become highly insectivorous.

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Q: What are the eating habits of the North American Cardinal bird?
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What are the habits of the North American Cardinal bird?

The cardinal is a songbird of the fringilidae family, new world seedeaters, They are closely related to grosbeaks, in fact, the old name was cardinal grosbeak. They begin to sing in March in the South, and within weeks the eggs are laid. The young are fed insects until they can fly, when they take on the seed eating habits of the parents. Cardinal males are basically red, with a black mask, females and young are gray brown with some red in the tail and wings. They are basically nonmigratory.

How do you attract North American cardinal birds?

feeders stocked with sunflower seeds will do it.

Why is Cardinal the bird of North Carolina?

Utah's state bird was eating pioneers crops so the helped them survive.

Do cardinal birds live in Idaho?

Forests and suburban areas of North America, mainly east of the Rockies.

Do Cardinal live in the rainforest?

I do not know thats why i came here u big butt

What is a sentence with cardinal direction?

North is a cardinal direction on a compass.

North Carolina plus state bird?

North Carolina's state bird is the cardinal which was designated in 1943. The cardinal was chosen as the state bird because the North Carolina Bird Club initiated a campaign to choose a bird for the state symbol. The cardinal was the popular vote.

What are the four main points on a compass are called?

The four cardinal points on a compass are North, South, East, and West.

What North American Ohio bird not a female cardinal has a dark face mask and light reddish-brown coat A little smaller than a cardinal?

Consult a field guide for cedar waxwing.

What is cardinal diretion?

North, east, south, and west are cardinal directions.

What are cardinal dire?

cardinal directions are north , south, east , and west.

What is the state bird of North Carolina?

The state bird of North Carolina, is the Cardinal. These birds are a vibrant red color with a black circle around their beak. The reason the Cardinal is North Carolina's state bird is because the Cardinal stays in North Carolina during all season's unlike in many other states.