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methadone is roughly 35 times stronger than oxycodone/morphine in equal doses but works very diffrently to perocet/oxycodone & most other opiate/opiod narcotic analgesics in that in methadone whilst being a v potent analgesic it does not produce a high/euphoric effect assoc' with perocet etc whatsoever hence the reason of its use in UK for treatment of heroin allows the addict to replace 1 for the other with no pleasure like effect using meth'.perocet is by far the better of the 2 for chronic/long term pain relief as the narcotic effect present in perocet etc is a far more effective in pain relief, has fewer nastyside effects and is by far the safer & better choice

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Q: What are the effects of a methadone versus the effects percocet?
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Is it okay to take Co Q-10 with percocet and methadone?

from what i understand methadone blocks the effects of percocet anyway so whats the use in taking it?? as far as co q-10 that im not sure about.

Will Percocet test positive for methadone?

No, Percocet will show up as an opiate and methadone will show up as methadone because it requires a specific test used to detect it.

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Does methadone show up as percocet or opiate?

Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires a specific test to detect it.

Should you take methadone before percocet?

There is no reason you should need to know this unless you are a drug addict and on methadone already. If you are taking methadone, you should not be prescribed percocets. But if you are looking for ways to get higher yes, they work together, just adds to the effects of each other.

Does percoset show up when taking methadoneduring a drug test?

Percocet shows up as an opiate and methadone shows up as methadone. I know this for a fact. A lot of places don't even test for methadone, yet the usage of methadone as a street drug has since increased. So be forwarned. I tried a 70 dollar urine cleaner to eliminate opiates from my system but it did not work. It only takes 3-5 days to eliminate percocet from your system. Methadone is a bit longer.

Why does methadone show positive in urine drug screen when only percocet is taken?

Most likely you have the wrong drug listed as what is showing in the drug screen... I don't believe that methadone would show in a drug screen for percocet. Percocet is made of two active ingredients, Tylenol and oxycodone. oxycodone is derived from morphine, so it is possible that morphine may show in the drug test when percocet is taken.

If you are on methadone what can you take for anxiey?

Don't take methadone in combination with Valium as this will increase the effects of methadone and can lead to an overdose.

Can Phentermine HCl and percocet be taken together?

Yes, if your doctor is okay with it. The stimulant effects of Phentermine help offset the depressive/sedative effects of Percocet.

You took 10 mg of methadone 8 hours ago will percocet have any effect on you now?

no methadone is a opiote blocker methadone will attache it self to the opiot recepter in the brain which will block the effects of the drug which is why methadone is usually used to treat drug addics to stop abuseing opiots thoe methadone is great for the treatment of pain and withdrawl from opiots metadone was originaly discovered dering ww2 to help German soldiers to fight fatigue to stay awake and the sever cold temperatures. it wasnt inlell later on that its medical benefits was used to treat heroin addicts to stop using, and one of the reasons the percocet will have no effect is methadone is is easily 100% more stonger/potent than any opiot known even morpine.

Which pain pills get you high?

percocet, xanax, oxycontin,methadone,hydrocodone,morphine,roxys.all i can think of @ tha moment

What happens with you take percocet anally?

When one takes Percocet anally, the effects of the drug will be intensified. It is suggested that Percocet be taken orally and only if you have the prescription for it.