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The same as after you eat steak, or chicken, or sushi, or a salad. If you drink enough, you get intoxicated.

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Q: What are the effects of drinking alcohol after eating liver?
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What are all the effects of alcohal on the liver?

There are no effects on the liver unless a person abuses alcohol over a period of many years or decades. However, alcohol abuse can lead to cirrhosis, or permanent scarring of the liver, and many other dangerous diseases.

What are the effects on the human body from drinking alcohol?

There are many different things that can happen to a human body when alcohol is consumed. Damage to the liver, damage to the brain, vomiting, and passing out are all effects of alcohol.

What is alcohol cirrhosis of the liver?

Alcohol cirrhosis of the liver is scarring caused by decades of very heavy drinking.

What are the illness that may result from drinking alcohol?

Excessive drinking can result in alcohol poisoning and liver failure.

Does it hurt your liver to vomit the alcohol soon after drinking?


Alcohol dameges to the liver?

It takes many years of heavy drinking to be a cause of liver damage. On the other hand, drinking in moderation benefits the liver.

Would drinking alcohol before a lft effect the results of liver enymes?

Of course! Alcohol is metabolized by the liver, and will affect liver function tests.

Could an experiment be done with rubbing alcohol and a liver to show the effects of alcohol on the liver?

No. Isopropyl alcohol does not affect the liver in the same way as ethyl alcohol. Furthermore, the effects on the liver come from the functioning of a living liver (!) dealing with alcohol for long periods of time. The conditions possible in an experiment would have no valid relationship to the actual course of alcoholic liver disease.

Chronic Suboxone users effects of alcohol?

If you are a chronic Suboxone user, there will be little to no side effects if you drink alcohol, except you might get sleepier than you normally would. After I quit heroin and started taking Suboxone, I became a raging alcoholic. I was drinking a liter of vodka a day, on top of my Suboxone. However, Suboxone is bad for your liver, and so is alcohol, so drinking while you're on Suboxone is very hard on your liver.

What does alcohol effect in your body?

alcohol effects your immune system and your liver.

What makes people die from alcohol?

Alcohol abuse is not good for the health, it damages the respiratory system. Also it badly affect the liver which can lead to liver cancer. Moderate drinkers tend to live longer than abstainers. Research has suggested that the negative health effects of alcohol abuse are outweighed by the positive health effects of moderate drinking.

What is alcoholic hepatitis?

Alcohol Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver from drinking large amounts of alcohol.