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Q: What are the effects of precession will this still be the case and 13000 years?
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When Earth is closest to the sun the Northern Hemisphere is in winter. Given the effects of precession will this still be the case in 13000 years?

When Earth is closest to the sun the northern hemisphere is in winter Given the effects of precession will this still be the case in 13000 years?

When Earth is closest to the sun the northern hemisphere is in winter Given the effects of precession will this still be the case in 13000 years?

No; in 13,000 years, the precession of Earth will have changed the axis half a cycle (the full cycle is about 26,000 years), so that the position of the axis will be the opposite of what it is now.No; in 13,000 years, the precession of Earth will have changed the axis half a cycle (the full cycle is about 26,000 years), so that the position of the axis will be the opposite of what it is now.No; in 13,000 years, the precession of Earth will have changed the axis half a cycle (the full cycle is about 26,000 years), so that the position of the axis will be the opposite of what it is now.No; in 13,000 years, the precession of Earth will have changed the axis half a cycle (the full cycle is about 26,000 years), so that the position of the axis will be the opposite of what it is now.

What is the earth movement but it takes 26000 years what would it is called?

Precession, which in this case refers to a movement of Earth's axis. A full "turn" takes about 26,000 years.

How long does a complete precession cycle take?

It depends on what object you are talking about. If you are asking about the precession of the Earth's axis, then that is about 26,000 years.

The gradual wobble that changes the orientation of the Earth's axis in space is called?

"Precession", a cycle that runs roughly 26,000 years.Unless you're doing some pinpoint celestial navigation, or lab-grade measurements in astronomy,you don't notice the effects of precession during the interval of your lifetime.

What is the Earth's movement that takes about 26000 years is called?


The feature on Earth's movement that takes about 26000 years is called what?


What star will the North Pole point to in about 13000 years?


The pollen from 13000 years ago sHow is what?

it shows there were plant

Is Earth's precession 365 days or 24 hours?

Neither it is 25,800 years

When was the Precession of equinoxes?

21,000-26,000 years, caused by wobble of earth about its axis.

What is a very slow motion of earths axis that requires 26000 years?
