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More natural disasters.

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Q: What are the effects of rising global temperatures on people?
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Who would benefit from global temperatures rising?

the flora across the globe.

Worldwide temperatures rising above their natural levels?

This is global warming.

What are the effects of c02 levels rising?

Global warming

What are the possible effects of rising temperatures?

Sea level rise.

How do forests affect the temperature?

Forests (and all vegetation) remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This reduces the effects of the enhanced greenhouse effect, slowing the rising temperatures of global warming.

Why are there rising temperatures?

global warming...or if you mean seasons its because the earth rotates on its axis

What is most likely outcome of increases global temperatures?

rising sea levels :] apex answer

2 exemple the global warming?

Global warming examples include rising temperatures, rising ocean levels, and decreases in global land and sea ... A global average temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius or less in coming years.

How do you test how global warming affects weather?

Global warming affects the climate. Scientists can measure:the rising levels of greenhouse gases,the rising temperatures,the rising sea levels,the rising number of weather events like heatwaves, floods and storms.

What term best describes worldwide temperatures rising above their natural levels?

Global warming

What is a direct concern stemming from rising global temperatures?

increased use of alternative energy sources. -- A+

What is the most likely outcome of increased global temperatures?

rising sea levels :] apex answer