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If the north axis tilts towards the sun, the northern hemisphere is in summer and the Southern Hemisphere is in winter. The reverse is true when the north axis points away from the sun.

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Q: What are the effects of slight tilt of earth's axis in the north pole?
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What are examples of the earths axis?

north pole

Where does the north end of earth's axis lean at?

The northern end of Earths axis is the North pole.

Where does the earths axis of rotation intersect with the earths surface?

The geographical North and South Pole - not the magnetic poles.

How do dogs align themselves with the earths axis and which way do they usually point?

dogs usually align themselves with the north/south axis and how this is dogs have sensitive chemicals which allows them to sense the earths axis

When the north end of the earths axis is toward the sun north America will experience what?

spring & summer

Is the north end of Earths axis tilted away from the sun during an equinox?

No. The Earth's axis is directly overhead at the Equator, therefore the axis isn't north or south on the Equinox.

What is the definition of the word axis?

axis - An imaginary line that passes through earths center and its north and south poles.

What two places marks the end of the axis?

The two places that mark the end of earths axis are North and south pole.

What is the needle that turns toward the earths north pole?

I Believe It Is Called The Axis :P

Is the north and south pole on a axis?

The North and South Poles are indeed imaginary points on the Earths surface where the line of the axis of it's spin would pass through.

What is the south end of earths axis called in the northern hemisphere?

the north pole and south pole

When the north end of earths rotation axis is pointing toward the sun what statement is true?

It is June.