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1. Due to deforestaion soil erosion takes place.The top soil gets eroded and will not be suitable for plant growth. 2. The amount of carbon di oxide increases in the atmosphere and the other harmful gases also increases,thus causing acid rain. 3. Due to acid rain the soil gets polluted and the loses some of its essential nutrients.

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Q: What are the effects of the deforestration on the global cycle the atmosphere?
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Global warming increases temperature.Water level rises up.Amount of water in atmosphere is affected.

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Global warming increases temperature.Water level rises up.Amount of water in atmosphere is affected.

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Burning coal releases carbon dioxide, which (according to the US EPA) is a polluting greenhouse gas. The extra CO2 added to the atmosphere is overwhelming the carbon cycle and is causing global warming.

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Global warming increases temperature.Water level rises up.Amount of water in atmosphere is affected.

How might the global carbon cycle impact Kansas and society?

The global carbon cycle may impact Kansas and society by changing the CO2 levels of the area. When CO2 levels increase, the atmosphere is able to hold more heat.

What role does the carbon cycle play in this problem of global climate change?

In the desert, the carbon cycle is a continuous and non-stop process. Plants and the atmosphere exchange carbon. Carbon is released when plants breathe and when organisms die. The cycle starts again when plants use the carbon that has been released.

Does global warming result from human actions that increase amount of water vapor in atmosphere?

No, global warming results from humans increasing the amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There is a certain amount of water vapor in the atmosphere that remains fairly constant and is part of the natural water cycle. In other words, human actions can not increase the water vapor in the atmosphere.