

What are the effects on child abuse?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The child could end up dead, in foster care, depressed, cause them to abuse their children when they are older, in the hospital, with mental or physical problem's, and so much more. Or they could have just grown up burying there pain until reach their 40's and then it all comes to the forefront,not a good way to handle this horrible expirience but i didnt know where to go,i told people i trusted about my past but nobody knew how to help me,i would get how terrible comments and then it would be put away inside of me again for awhile.I was sexually abused from the time i was around 4 years old until around 11 when we moved away,he was a family friend who provided financial help for my family,jobs for both of my parents in his used car business,and emotional support for my mother who was locked into a very disfunctional marriage,not to mention the affair he and my mother were having.I once old my mom about what was going on and she acted like she didnt hear me,i now realize there was too much for her to give up if she were to act on this information,the money for one would be gone and that's what enabled us to take all those trips 2 hours away to playland,the ocean,all the eating out at restaurants,all the things she loved to do but otherwise would not be able to do without his help.I used to beg her not to leave me alone with him at the car lot at the end of the day,but over and over again she would find a reason to go home without me and leave me with him to be brought home later,i seriously have to wonder if i wasnt on purpose being left there as a price paid for the next round of money that he would give her,anyway i finally confronted him a year ago,hes now 83 years old,he states that he thought i enjoyed it and he would never have hurt me,he said if he did these things to me he's sorry and again he thought we had a relationship and he was giving me pleasure.i reminded him i was a 4 year old child,he just didnt get it,but as hard as his response was to take,i did find some relief and am as always just trying to go forward,i just keep wondering though what was the damage he left behind,is this why i feel so insecure,why i never feel good enough?i could go on and on but just want to learn to enjoy my life,oh by the way i forgave him that day that i confronted him,and it was truly a relief that i didnt have to keep hating him,now i just feel sorry for the man and pray he can find his healing also.thanks for listening,bev

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