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conduction band electrons detach themselves from atoms and become delocalized

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Q: What are the electrons that have high energy levels and are loose in an atom?
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What does t he energy levels of an atom hold?

The energy levels of an atom hold electrons.

When an atom has one or more electrons in higher energy levels?

An atom has multiple energy levels. When an atom has more electrons than it can fit into an energy level, then it puts them into the next higher energy level.

What are the valence electrons in an atom?

located in the outermost energy levels.

How are the electrons arranged?

electrons are arranged in energy levels, or shells, around the nucleus of an atom.

Is the disitance of an electron all the same in one atom?

No. Lower energy levels and their electrons are closer to the nucleus than higher energy levels and their electrons.

Related questions

What does t he energy levels of an atom hold?

The energy levels of an atom hold electrons.

What are found on the energy levels of an atom?


When an atom has one or more electrons in higher energy levels?

An atom has multiple energy levels. When an atom has more electrons than it can fit into an energy level, then it puts them into the next higher energy level.

What are the energy levels of an atom occupied by?

that depends on the number of electrons the more electrons the more energy

The energy levels of an atom are occupied by .?


Which components of an atom are arranged in various energy levels or orbitals?


What is the neutral atom that has its first two energy levels filled has 6 electrons in its third energy level and has no other electrons?

What is the neutral atom that has its first two energy levels filled, has 5 electrons in its third energy level, and has no other electrons? Enter the name of the element, not the abbreviation.

What happens when the electrons relax?

As excited electrons drop back to lower energy levels in the atom, photons having the energy of the difference between the two electron energy levels are emitted from the atom.

What are the valence electrons in an atom?

located in the outermost energy levels.

How are the electrons arranged?

electrons are arranged in energy levels, or shells, around the nucleus of an atom.

What does the period number tell about the energy levels occupied by electrons in an atom atom?

the period number tells which is the highest energy level occupied by the electrons

How many energy level found in an atom of plutonium?

Electrons in the plutonium atom are placed in 7 energy levels.